A too-cute-for-words Canadian robot has travelled clear across the country this summer—one hitched ride at a time.
With her smiling digital face, yellow rubber boots and outstretched arm, hitchBOT—created by researchers in Ontario—has managed to catch rides from Halifax all the way to Victoria, B.C., since her journey began in Nova Scotia in late July. Her final stop was on Vancouver Island, at Victoria’s Open Space centre, last weekend.
HitchBOT, who is chatty, camera-equipped and totally social-media savvy, has dipped her boots in Lake Superior, attended a First Nations powwow, crashed a wedding and even done the Harlem Shake while passing through the Prairies. She’s been posting updates on her progress—which has all occurred thanks to the kindness of strangers—on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and her website.
This is one bot we’d pick up any time. —Noa Glouberman
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