Lifestyle & Parenting

10 Questions With the Romeo Section’s Stephanie Bennett

November 18, 2015

Stephanie BennettVancouver actress Stephanie Bennett teaches kids to dance—and plays a troubled drug addict in the Vancouver-based spy thriller TV series, The Romeo Section. Here, what makes the multi-faceted actress tick.

You seem to be drawn to roles in horror/thriller films. Tell us about that. I didn’t plan on doing a lot of horror, it just happened! I thought for a while that comedy was my favourite but now that I’ve worked on fantasy and a thriller I can’t decide. I love all genres for different reasons.

You did a lot of research to play Dee, the drug addicted wife of a gangster, in The Romeo Section. What was that like? I watched documentaries on addiction and domestic abuse and did a lot of reading on the effects of crack cocaine. I also spent time on the Downtown Eastside observing how drugs affect behaviour and communication. It was both fascinating and heartbreaking.

GastownWho’s your dream director, and actor, to work with? I’m a big Woody Allen fan. And Kate Winslet has always been a huge inspiration for me.

You were once a dancer in Canada’s National Ballet. Do you still dance? I take classes when I have time because I still love it so much. I’ve also taught dance to two- to seven-year-olds.

What’s your go-to activity in your off-time? Work has been busy so most of my off time is spent in bed with a book. I also love having dinner with friends and getting outside whenever possible.

Now for the fun stuff. Favourite restaurant? Twisted Fork on Granville Street in Vancouver. Best brunch! Neighbourhood? Vancouver’s historic Gastown neighbourhood. I love the streets and old buildings. Local brand/product? Herschel Supply Company. Their backpacks and duffel bags are practical and come in awesome colours and styles. Workout? Running and hiking.

Upcoming projects we should look out for? Right now, I’m filming a guest spot on a show called Motive. It’s been a lot of fun. Stay tuned!

We definitely will!— Lise Boullard


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