Lifestyle & Parenting

The Future of Urban Vancouver

January 21, 2016

What will Vancouver look like in five, 10, 20 years? If you’re curious about the possibilities—or, maybe you have some of your own ideas—head on over to the Museum of Vancouver, where the exhibition Your Future Home: Creating the New Vancouver, in partnership with the Vancouver Urbanarium Society, is open from January 21 to May 15.

Explore two spaces: a digital, data-driven gallery that showcases the evolution of Vancouver’s urban environment; and a ‘visions for the future’ exhibit, where architects have designed solutions to improving everything from public space and transportation to density and affordability. (Our favourite: creating public spaces on floating barges).

The public is being asked to contribute their ideas too. Because, the fact of the matter is: there is not one answer or solution, but dozens and dozens. – Jennifer Foden

Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chesnut St., Vancouver,

Your Future Home Museum of Vancouver


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