Despite following a mostly plant-based diet, there’s nothing like a juicy burger, particularly when the meat is local, grass-fed and hormone free. If only it didn’t break our budget so much.
Since discovering the newly opened Food Hub, however, we’re no longer feeling the pinch.
Despite its non-descript location, no website (yet) and a store-front that’s somewhat lacking, for foodies like us, it’s become our newest, best go-to.
With tons of frozen and ready-to-serve options including bison, elk and turkey burgers, sausages and dogs, everything is local, hormone- and nitrate-free at prices that can’t be beat. Along with their meats, they also have a variety of healthy-ish snacks, ice creams, bone broths and raw pet food options.
On our recent visit, we chatted-up a certain celeb who’ll remain nameless (Owen Wilson, twist our arm), while picking up some bison for the grill.
Seems Hollywood likes a good burger too– though we’ll guess the ‘on a budget part’ doesn’t apply so much. —Aurea Dempsey
Food Hub, 2209 York Avenue. Vancouver. 604-336-371.
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