Health & Beauty

The HOT Detox You Really Need is Here

January 22, 2017

From juice cleanses to food-elimination diets, the message to detox, detox, detox is clear. But did you know juicing can be counterproductive in cold Canadian temperatures?

hot detox


Enter The Hot Detox, a 21-day program by health expert, TV host and ageless superwoman Julie Daniluk that promises to give a healthier gut and cleanse your body. We recently got a chance to ask this bestselling author our straight-up questions (must we really forgo dairy and gluten?) and, after learning more, are convinced this is how we ought to be eating all the time. The best part? While some foods are frowned upon, Julie gives us a healthier version to enjoy—right down to pancakes for breakfast.

Read on for the healthy scoop. —Aurea Dempsey

What makes the Hot Detox program uniquely effective vs others?

It embraces the ancient wisdom of India and Asia and utilizes the time-tested intelligence of warming up the body’s core, especially in the winter months. Many detox programs come out of California or other consistently warm climates, where consuming cold smoothies, juices and raw salads is desirable and healthy. But in Canada, when it is cold and often damp six months of the year, a standard “cold” detox program does not support the person who feels run down, has a slow metabolism or suffers from a digestive condition.

Can anyone follow the plan?

Yes, as it focuses on healing digestion, which in turn balances the body.

Can you set us straight on “leaky gut syndrome,” mentioned in your book?

Leaky gut allows food particles to cross from the GI tract into the bloodstream, which then incites your immune system to mass-produce antibodies, leading to food sensitivities and allergies. The GI tract heals and functions at its best when it receives gently warmed foods that are easy to digest, high in fibre and contain phytonutrients.

hot detox


Your program isn’t so wild about consuming coffee or tea. Why?

Coffee and tea contain caffeine that speeds up Phase 1 of our liver. This puts stress on the second phase of your liver as it tries to keep up to an over-stimulated Phase 1. Coffee is also the second-highest pesticide-sprayed crop (second only to cotton) we consume; pesticides are very tasking to the liver and are best avoided. The reason I encourage folks to reduce tea is that not only is it a source of caffeine, it also is a very high source of fluoride, which is worrisome for people who have low thyroid function. That said, coffee does purge the gallbladder and reduce the incidence of gallstones, so if you are wanting this specific benefit, opt for certified organic fair-trade coffee.

If warming foods are what our body really needs, should we say goodbye to fresh-pressed juices and frozen berry smoothies?

I am not suggesting we say goodbye to healthy foods, but I do suggest to warm up the cold juice and frozen smoothies when it is -10 C outside! I also suggest running produce under warm water before juicing it, or running cold juice under warm water while still in the glass bottle to reduce the chill. We’ve evolved as a species for over 200,000 years; we’ve only used freezers to preserve food for 70 years! I don’t think our bodies have quite caught up to this technological change and still struggle with frozen food.

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Judging by the amount (there’s tons!) of recipes in your book, this isn’t a deprivation program. Do you have any personal favourites?

I always have what I like to call the “vehicles of flavour,” including bagels, muffins, Hot Detox bread and wraps. By providing detoxifying comfort favourites, you will stay full, committed and happy. And I love soups. I adore the Detox Nut Butter Stew (great for vegans) and the Healing Chicken Soup any time. I also love tasty breakfasts that really stick to the ribs, like the Early Riser and Pomegranate Chia Pudding to create lots of energy in the morning.

For years we’ve been told to drink hot water with lemon every morning. Your version steps it up a notch with apple cider vinegar. Why?

I suggest we change up the detox liquid we try each day to maximize health benefits. For instance, one day it’s Ginger Lemonade made with stevia, next it’s the Warm ACV Drink with honey (really improves digestion) and then I mix in the Hot Apple Toddy occasionally as fresh cranberries are great for preventing ulcers and treating infections. By rotating your beverages you ensure you work in different benefits while avoiding boredom.

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What are your thoughts on supplements, like protein powders and green food formulas?

It all comes down to the source. Many protein powders leave people feeling bloated because they’re hard to digest. I find it strange that a huge part of the population is intolerant to dairy but whey-based protein powder is so popular. In the Hot Detox I suggest optional boosters that are easy to digest, such as hemp protein, collagen powder and Hawaiian spirulina. The entire thrust of my book is, “It is only good for you if you can digest it!” Food that is left undigested is food for negative microbes that create bloating, gas and digestive upset and can be a risk for developing allergies.

Along with eating clean, what else do you do to stay so youthful looking (you’re ageless!)?

You are very sweet to say that! I think what has helped me stay younger looking is a passion for research and a commitment to longevity practices. For example, when I read the science on how sugar ages your skin by cross-linking the collagen in your dermis, I worked hard with a therapist to give up my serious sweet tooth. I have given up white sugar for over a decade now, using small amounts of honey and fruit to sweeten things, combined with good amounts of high-quality fats and fibre to prevent glycation.

Another thing that ages people quickly is binge drinking and unresolved allergic reactions, because this behaviour swells the delicate skin under the eyes. If you find under your eyes are getting puffy or dark, consider food allergy and intolerance testing to tune into what you’re sensitive to.

I also love yoga and focus on pranayama (a breathing mediation) that helps me combat stress beautifully. Not only does the breathing relax your nervous system, but also it is scientifically proven to alkalize your body, making you more resistant to inflammatory conditions that age you rapidly.

If you want to look young, you need to eat as the longest-living people do. All the longevity zones (Greece, Italy, Japan, Costa Rica and California) are close to the ocean and relatively warm. People have access to fresh food and focus a great deal on fish and vegetation with anti-inflammatory spices like you find in the Hot Detox. Focus on Omega-3 fats (fish, algae and seeds), vitamin D (sunlight, mushrooms and fish), the rainbow colours of produce (for vitamins and minerals) and find lots of people to enjoy the food with. A strong social circle that gives you a purpose is the most fun way to make it to 100 and beyond! 


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