Lifestyle & Parenting

TaroScope: May 2017

May 1, 2017

Your future is bright—or, at least, predictable (in the best possible way) thanks to our resident tarot expert Kerry Ward, whose horoscopes also star in Cosmo UK. This month, Kerry reveals what’s in store for the air, earth, fire and water signs among us (hint: cocktail therapy is going to be key for some)!

water signs

water signs: cancer, pisces, scorpio (three of swords, five of cups, two of cups). Betrayal is a wound with layers of pain that forms a scar, usually a deep one, to prevent more of the same. We all bear battle scars, but healing isn’t always painful. Expect some wonderful rejuvenation this month, when you meet someone who reminds you of the positive power of a twosome. It might be a romance, the rekindling of a relationship that’s waned or a new friend or ally. But this relationship will be truly, mutually beneficial and enduring; let it replace an old one fully. And make time to spend time.

air signs

air signs: libra, aquarius, gemini (five of swords, nine of swords, queen of wands). There’s a woman you know. She’s sharp and demanding. You play out scenarios with her in your head: stressful ones. This is going to change, potentially in an unexpected way. Remember: your relationship has been fractured for a reason and there is a lesson concealed in your troubled rapport. That aside, May is the ideal time to catch up on rest and rejuvenation; restore the resilience and calm that conflicts can drain. Go out with the girls and hold the stage for once; tell them everything that’s been going on. It’s five o’clock somewhere you know!

fire signs

fire signs: leo, aries, sagittarius (king of cups, king of coins, queen of wands). Everything ebbs and flows, nothing stays the same—good news when you’re down but a source of anxiety when you’re up. This May you are on the "up" in the two big areas of your life: emotions and resources. You’re mastering how you feel about something that was once painful and you’re realizing you can make money and protect your security even in tough conditions. You’re a survivor. Revel in your strengths, go after something challenging with no fear. Nothing can stop you this season.

earth signs

earth signs: capricorn, virgo, taurus (eight of coins, the high priestess, the hierophant). Ever the "climber," you never stop planning and forging on. The path has been hard, but you’ve mastered much; what once was awkward now comes naturally. And yet, there are still challenges to face. Perhaps the biggest one yet: what do YOU really want? Is the path you’re on as resonant and fulfilling as it was? Soul search your inner, authentic self this spring. Take time out to reflect and contemplate your deepest desires. You’re powerful enough to bring what you imagine into your real world NOW.

Kerry Ward is Cosmopolitan UK magazine’s resident tarot expert, and has been reading the cards for happy clients all over the world the last 20 years. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, here. Follow Kerry on Facebook and Instagram.


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