Lifestyle & Parenting

How to Cure a Holiday Food Hangover (Win a $120 Boldocynara Prize Pack!)

December 5, 2017

Christmas cookies, chocolate, stuffing and turkey, oh my! While we’re giving ourselves permission to do a little extra indulging this holiday season, we’ve also got a foolproof plan to deal with the consequences of occasional overeating during this festive time of year.


Digestive Aid Complex – Boldocynara is a natural digestive aid complex clinically proven to reduce common digestive upsets like heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, nausea and the feeling of slow or sluggish digestion. Created by A.Vogel, it’s a clinically proven natural remedy that combines fresh ingredients from four of the most powerful and renowned herbs used to prevent and treat digestive upsets: artichoke, milk thistle, boldo and dandelion. Digestive Aid Complex – Boldocynara works by helping to facilitate the digestion of fats, improve overall digestion by increasing bile secretion, aid the gradual regeneration of the liver, reduce symptoms linked to overindulgence of food and/or drinks and support the elimination of toxins. Best of all, unlike some quick-fix over-the-counter remedies, it is generally well-tolerated can be taken long term.

So this Christmas, whenever we feel like we’ve overdone it in the food department, we’re taking two Digestive Aid Complex – Boldocynara before bed to ensure more comfort and joy in the morning! —Vita Daily

Win a $120 Boldocynara Prize Pack!

One lucky Canadian winner will receive a Boldocynara Prize Pack containing one bottle of Digestive Aid Complex – Boldocynara and a $100 gift certificate to The Keg. The powerful combination of artichoke, milk thistle, boldo and dandelion formulated in A.Vogel’s Digestive Aid Complex – Boldocynara creates an effective natural remedy that reduces digestive disturbances so you can enjoy life to the fullest! Let us know in the comments below why you’d like to win this prize (not mandatory, but we’d love you for it!) and enter now, here!


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