Lifestyle & Parenting

A Wine Club for Every Woman

February 23, 2018

Seven years ago my girlfriends and I decided to start a wine club. We were all together to celebrate one of our friend’s birthdays and as we were chatting we agreed that we didn’t see each other near enough. And just like that, someone piped up, “I’ve got an idea, let’s start a wine club!” An excited buzz filled the air as we began to throw out ideas. Our wine club would take place every Wednesday and be dubbed “Wine Wednesday” (go figure). It could be held at a restaurant or bar but, generally, we would rotate through each other’s homes, with a turn for each to host. Little did we know, that this was the start of something very special.

wine club

Not only has it been seven years since the commencement of Wine Wednesday but it was also seven years ago that my life changed forever—and for the better. Prior to creating this group I would see my girlfriends fairly sporadically. There was no rhyme or reason to when we would see each other; often it would be with a large group at a formal gathering of some sort. We rarely ever had specified "girl time." Since building this group I have learned to set aside more time for myself and my friends. In the beginning it was a shock to me when I realized how much I truly needed this time. Each time I leave a meeting I feel rejuvenated, empowered and cared for. I have always felt ecstatic to be part of such a wonderful group of women whom I am so lucky to call my friends.

There have been days throughout the past seven years where Wine Wednesday has felt like an obligation. After a long day at work, it can be hard to get my butt in gear and head back out into the night. However, on my way home, I am beyond happy that I went. This has been one of the greatest parts of creating Wine Wednesday. Having a weekly obligation forces us to set aside time for each other—and every one of us agrees that it is so worth it.

Over the years the group has morphed and changed. We have had women move away and women who have simply drifted away. We have also brought new ladies into the fold. We’ve gone through big changes in our lives: marriages, graduate schooling, babies. And we have all been there to support and share in the excitement of each new chapter in our respective lives. In the past two years we have drank a little less wine as we have taken turns being pregnant and breastfeeding. We have also added some new tiny members who come along for the ride as their mommies need to feed (plus we love the snuggles!). But through all of the changes, it is still an important part of our lives, and arguably even more important as we go through these transitions.

Every woman deserves the chance to be a part of something as great as this. To feel empowered, cared for and listened to. To feed off the positivity of her friends instead of being brought down by the negative. To be a part of something that makes her feel like she isn’t alone. Creating a Wine Wednesday isn’t just about the wine (although it is a big part). It’s about the relationships that are formed and the moments that are shared along the way. Cheers! —Heather Reynolds


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