Lifestyle & Parenting

Africa in a Bottle

August 13, 2018

We’ve all seen the distinct bottle adorned with an African elephant’s tusks and many (us included) have savoured the exquisite elixir contained within, but the story behind Amarula cream liqueur goes so much deeper than the internationally award-winning, smooth-as-velvet drink (with hints of vanilla and caramel, we like it neat, with ice, infused in cocktails and even added to hot drinks like coffee, tea and hot chocolate).


It’s made, for starters, from the fruit of the sacred Marula tree that grows wild and uncultivated in the subequatorial regions of Africa. When the local elephants start their miles-long journey to feast on this sun-ripened fruit, members of nearby communities know it is time to begin the harvest. To support and save these animals, who are so much a part of its brand heritage, the Amarula Trust was created in 2002 as a non-profit organization to raise funds with the aim of protecting Africa’s giants. And, on August 12, World Elephant Day, the company partnered with WildlifeDirect through events in several major Canadian cities (example: an incredible ice sculpture in Toronto, which, as it melted, meant to symbolize the alarming rate at which African elephants are being killed for their ivory) to launch its 2018 Don’t Let Them Disappear campaign, with an aim to raise awareness about and funds for the preservation and protection of elephants.

If you missed the live events, not to worry: you can still follow this important unfolding story on Twitter @AmarulaElephant or #AmarulaTrust. Amarula Canada will be generously donating $1 per retweet for the first 10,000 retweets toward the trust’s impactful conservation efforts. —Vita Daily


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