We’ve been following the story of the 15th annual Cashmere Collection since summer, and are so excited to share that a winner has finally been revealed!
Of the 15 designers whose Cashmere Bathroom Tissue creations all but floated down the catwalk in October, Toronto-based ZOFF’s incredible runway-ready couture dress—featuring intricate feathers and lacey decals sewn onto a mesh gown adorned with thousands of crystals—was voted the crème de la crème by Canadians. The best news? Kruger Products, maker of Cashmere Bathroom Tissue, will donate $10,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society’s breast cancer efforts in ZOFF’s name.
We have two winners! Congratulations Marija K. of Hamilton, Ontario, and Kelly S. of Abbotsford, B.C., who each won a Cashmere Bathroom Tissue prize pack, each including a runway-worthy $220 custom-made eco-friendly cashmere shawl! —Vita Daily
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