Lifestyle & Parenting

Valentine’s Day Proposals and Breakups

February 6, 2019

An interesting little poll by landed in our inbox this morning, and it couldn’t come at a better time (read: the Valentine’s Day home stretch). The theme of the survey: proposals and breakups, with 17% per cent of Canadians say they have suffered a relationship break-up right around Valentine’s Day (this number rises as high as 26 per cent for those under the age of 35).


In terms of popping the question, the poll found that more than half of Canadians (57 per cent) agree that a Valentine’s Day proposal is a good idea. Those who aren’t so sure that it’s the best day to get on bended knee said that you should not propose on a special occasion (41 per cent) and suggest that an anniversary of the first date (37 per cent) would be a more appropriate time to pop the question.

Finally, the survey asked what Canadians really want for Valentine’s Day. Thirty-three percent of Canadians said that going out for a meal is the way to their heart. Other top items for winning over your sweetheart include flowers (12 per cent), tickets to an event or outing (11 per cent) and gift cards (11 per cent). It also appears that Canadians have money on their minds, with 8 per cent saying they’d prefer to receive cash and, if you have plenty of it, a surprise getaway might be just what your relationship needs (6 per cent).

As for some of the worst gifts Canadians have ever received for Valentine’s Day? A workout video, a toothbrush, a gas gift card, an empty box of chocolate and used speakers. Um, thank you? —Vita Daily


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