Health & Beauty

Stress And Rosacea (Get A Free 15-Day Riversol Sample Kit for Redness!)

April 20, 2020

The uncertainty we currently find ourselves in means an extra level of stress may be added to our daily lives—and this can be challenging for people with skin conditions like rosacea. Stress manifests as an emotion, and it has been proven to trigger rosacea flare-ups just as easily as common physical triggers, such as spicy foods and alcohol. We chatted with Dr. Jason Rivers of Vancouver’s Pacific Derm about this issue—and to discover how to receive a free 15-Day Sample Kit for Redness from his Riversol range. —Vita Daily

riversol rosacea

Hello Dr. Rivers! What is rosacea; how does it impact some people’s skin?

Rosacea affects 5 per cent of the Canadian population and usually has its onset between 25 and 45 years of age. Women seem to be more prone to the development of rosacea as are people with fair skin. Those with rosacea have a tendency to flush and blush, and central facial redness is the hallmark of this condition. With time, widened red blood vessels (capillaries) may preferentially appear on the cheeks and nose. Some people may develop red bumps or pus pimples in the affected areas. In a small percentage of people with long standing disease, the nose may enlarge to produce a bulbous appearance (rhinophyma). Up to 50 per cent of individuals may have eye involvement by rosacea. In the situation, the person may experience a number of signs and symptoms including conjunctivitis, a gritty sensation in the eye (like a foreign body) and a sensitivity to light. In addition, as the skin barrier function is somewhat compromised, many people can’t tolerate skin-care products on their skin because these cause a burning or stinging sensation.

What causes rosacea outbreaks? Is stress a factor—and, if so, how may our current situation (COVID-19, quarantine, loss of a job, worry over finances/health) be exacerbating or unhelpful to someone with rosacea?

The underlying cause of rosacea is unknown. However, we do know that genetic factors and certain triggers are at play. As mentioned before, rosacea is most often seen in the fair-skinned Celt and it often can be seen in multiple family members over several generations. However, people of all skin types may develop rosacea. Trigger factors are also known to play a role in the development or aggravation of rosacea. These triggers include but are not limited to the following: hot drinks, tea/coffee, red wine consumption, spicy foods, temperature change, sunlight, exercise. It should also be noted that stress is also a well recognized trigger for rosacea. Therefore, our current situation with the SARS2-Covid19 pandemic may exacerbate or initiate someone’s rosacea.

Why is it necessary/beneficial to treat rosacea—and what does effective treatment involve? Is there a "cure"?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for rosacea. There is, however, good news—for the majority of individuals the disease can be brought under good control and people may enjoy a happy life. Rosacea sufferers may experience a high degree of social embarrassment and depression from the disease, therefore it is worthwhile to treat the condition. The first step to management includes the avoidance of known trigger factors whenever possible. Skin-care products should be the cornerstone of treatment and, at a minimum, rosacea suffers should seek out a mild skin cleanser, an unscented moisturizer and a high SPF (30 or higher) sunscreen. For more inflammatory disease topical prescription creams may help to reduce pimple-like lesions but for resistant cases, oral agents are required. In Canada there is a prescription topical preparation to help reduce flushing, but the only effective modality for the reduction/clearance of dilated capillaries is an energy based device (Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), or laser).

riversol rosacea

Please tell us about the free sample kit offered by your clinic. Who can access it, and how can it help?

We offer a free two-week trial started kit. We wanted people to be able to access Riversol products with no strings attached. That is, you order it online, it is shipped to you free of charge, and we don’t take any credit card information for this service. If you like it great, if not, at least you have not spent any of your money on finding out. Further, we have a 60-day return policy on all full-size trade products—and this includes shipping. Who can access it? Anyone. With the free sample program, you can determine if Riversol for rosacea is right for your skin and whether it can help to bring your condition under better control.


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