Health & Beauty

How To Kick-Start Your Fitness Routine And Stay Motivated In 2021 (Win! A Fitness World Membership + 1 For A Friend!)

January 19, 2021

Making fitness resolutions for the new year is one thing, starting them—and sticking to them—is another! In our quest to stay motivated to reach our 2021 fitness goals, we asked Fitness World’s Fitness Class Director Ingrid Knight-Cohee to give us her top insight and tips. From jotting down our goals to tracking our progress to signing up for a fitness challenge (like the FW’21 Fitness Challenge on now at Fitness World!), here is her advice for a successfully fit and fabulous year. —Vita Daily

Hi Ingrid! Please tell us a little bit about yourself; how did you get into the fitness industry? What drew you to fitness?

I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 20 years and started as a fitness class instructor while completing my degree in Human Kinetics at UBC. At the time I was wrapping up an 11-year career as a competitive rhythmic gymnast and a four-time US National Team member. I missed the joy and satisfaction I found in training, competing and performing as an athlete, but discovered many similarities in the fitness industry and in helping others achieve their personal best through exercise and healthy habits. Teaching classes evolved into personal training and then facility management and programming. Now, I’m excited to be a part of the new Fitness World, in the role of Fitness Class Director. My goal is to get as many Fitness World members (and potential members) as possible enjoying and benefitting from excellent fitness class experiences. Through innovative evidence-based programming and educated, motivated instructors, we have a huge impact by inspiring our participants to get and stay active in a fun way.

Many people include fitness among their New Year’s resolutions; why do you think that is? What are some of the most popular fitness-related goals you see among Fitness World members?

The start of a new year is always a popular time to evaluate your health, take stock of what you aim to achieve and find the extra motivation to commit to doing the work to get it done. Particularly after the holidays, when there are indulgences in food and drink—and typically less exercise—our minds tend to work like a pendulum, swinging in the opposite direction. On January 1st it is a common desire to start that next chapter, a fresh opportunity to commit to healthier habits—and getting fit is often at the top of the to-do list. While fat loss is a common goal among Fitness World members, other common goals are increased strength and reduced stress, which are also critical components of good health and an important compliment fat loss efforts.

Any advice on setting good/realistic/achievable fitness goals and resolutions?

There are several pitfalls to avoid that will increase the chances of success in achieving any goal or resolution. A useful acronym to follow when creating a goal is to make it SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Oriented. For example, rather than stating, “I’m never going to eat ice cream again and will work out for an hour every day,” it may be more kind, practical and positive to restate that into, “I will move 30 minutes, five days a week and treat myself to ice cream just once a week.” You will be far more likely to achieve this goal and then be in a better headspace to update and adjust to more challenging goals once achieved. Other effective tips:

  • Hire a personal trainer. The research is solid on this: you will be far more likely to stay consistent, reduce risk of injury and attain your goal faster.
  • Take fitness classes. You will meet like-minded individuals and be part of a healthy community, plus your workouts become more enjoyable because of the social element.
  • Set an outdoor or event-based goal such as a run or hike. The training and the accomplishment of the event will be more meaningful than a number on a scale.
  • Focus the journey and not the end result. We live in a toxic diet culture that sets us up for failure. Think of your fitness goal as a lifestyle shift for the long term, with intentions of being sustainable and lasting, rather than a quick fix and a plan to return to old habits once achieved.

We find that kicking off our fitness goals is relatively easy in January—it’s staying motivated to continue throughout the year that’s a challenge. What are your top tips for staying motivated?

If you’re setting and re-setting SMART goals, especially with the guidance of a trainer, you will be well-positioned for success. Other helpful strategies:

  • Write down your goals and track your progress, either by journal or a fitness app.
  • Disclose your goals to close people around you; family, friends and co-workers can cheer you on and remind you of your ideals and may even jump on your band wagon!
  • Remind yourself that setbacks are natural and common; don’t beat yourself up about a missed workout. Just get right back to it the next day.
  • Let go of the all-or-nothing mentality. Baby steps are still steps moving you in the right direction.
  • Sign up for a fitness challenge! More on that below …

How can a Fitness World membership help us in kick-starting, tackling and achieving our 2021 goals?

Research shows that goal attainment has more to do with a consistent small habits, a positive environment and professional support than individual will power (which can be inconsistent and fleeting). A Fitness World membership will provide those critical pillars: the convenience and reliability of a place that supports all you need to develop and maintain good health and a fun and energizing environment where you will receive the education, inspiration and motivation needed to attain your goals.

Given the current situation with COVID-19, some may be nervous or confused about heading back to the gym. What do Fitness World members and potential members need to know?

Fitness World members can be rest assured that we have and will continue to do all we can to provide a COVID-friendly space. That means abiding by the safety measures as outlined by Provincial Health Authorities such as marked six-feet physical distancing in all areas, masks required in specific zones, staff wearing masks for all servicing as well as barrier panels at service desks, plenty of sanitizing stations and hourly staff cleaning. Our current class offerings are low intensity only in 10’x10’ class pods or larger, with equipment-free formats focusing on muscular endurance, core strength, alignment and flexibility. You can find our class schedules on our website here. Plus, we also offer 15 weekly virtual classes on FB Live; follow us here.

Can you tell us more about the FW’21 Fitness Challenge?

Yes! Another fantastic way to ensure you stay on track is by entering our fun contest that helps you push past the traditional resolution drop-out point of mid-February. Fitness World members can enrol in the FW’21 Fitness Challenge anytime in January: a 45-day muscle gain or body fat loss challenge powered by Fitness World Online PT programming and DotFit nutrition. Members register in whichever category best matches their fitness goals:

  • Body fat percentage lost: the individual with the greatest reduction in BF% over a 45-day period.
  • Muscle gain: the individual with the greatest increase in lean body mass over a 45-day period (note the limit of 2% body fat increase during the contest to be eligible in this category).

The overall winner will take home $1,000! Current Fitness World PT clients can sign up for free. For new members, we are offering a New Member Enrollment Package for $99 that includes free Fitness Challenge registration with our Buy One Get One membership enrollment promotion. This incredible deal includes access to our FW Online Personal Training App, two cycles of goal specific programming and a nutrition consult complete with meal plans and a recommended supplement list.

So, do you have a personal fitness goal you’re working on or toward in 2021?

I try to take my own advice(!) and usually sign up for two to three outdoor events a year, with progressive or different challenges, and plan my training accordingly. My 2020 goal was to complete my first marathon, which I ended up doing solo since all events were cancelled. It was a bit lonely! So, for 2021, I plan to join a relay team in an endurance event such as the IronMan Canada-Penticton for the marathon portion, whereby even if it has to be virtual, I will still have the camaraderie and fun/social element of a team. Mixed in with the endurance training my other goals are to stay consistent with yoga/recovery and strength training workouts two times a week as well as regular family hikes. That should keep me fit and balanced enough to tackle the year ahead!

Win! A Fitness World Membership + 1 For A Friend!

Congratulations Sydney C. of North Vancouver, B.C., who will receive one six-month Fitness World Membership for themselves and one six-month membership for a friend! Membership includes: all access to 15 clubs, all-included services and amenities, unlimited guest privileges, and more! Please note: if you are the winner, you will receive a DM (direct message) in Instagram directly from Please be wary of fake accounts, which often use similar handles with an extra or missing letter, number or symbol. We will never ask for a payment or for your credit card number, and we will never ask you to click through a link. If you are unsure whether you have been contacted, via Instagram, by us or a fake account, email us before responding.


  1. Bernice Patton

    January 21st, 2021 at 12:08 pm

    Aloe @BernicePatton

  2. Alana LeSueur

    January 22nd, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    My 2021 fitness goal is to lose 40 lbs, and gain some serious muscle.

  3. Alana LeSueur

    January 22nd, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    My 2021 fitness goal is to lose 40 lbs, and gain some seriouis muscle… @Diamondchick60

  4. Monica

    January 23rd, 2021 at 4:26 pm

    Lose my belly fat. @monica_in_vancouver

  5. Taylor

    January 26th, 2021 at 5:56 pm

    My 2021 fitness goal is to focus on strength training to tone my body and gain more muscle.


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