Lifestyle & Parenting

4 Trainings For Aspiring Healers

February 24, 2023

When it comes to healing, people are more open than ever to practices that only a few years ago would have been considered weird. Not anymore. Too many of us have navigated through symptoms like”brain fog, insomnia, autoimmune responses and hormonal imbalances to eventually find our solutions in alternative healing therapies. If you’re like us, once you’ve experienced a powerful transformation, you want to share it. So, if you’re feeling the nudge to begin offering a modality that’s transformed your own life, here are a few of the trainings we’ve discovered that offer in-depth learning, certification and a community of personal and practical resources to support your path forward as an aspiring healer. Monica Krake

We love the 50-Hour Meditation Training program offered by Rooted Beings, which dives into the history, the modalities and the scientific benefits of meditation, providing students with a solid context for how to guide others in meditation, along with playlists and sample scripts. In this training, you’ll have a chance to practise what you learn immediately with other classmates. At completion, you’ll have everything you need to begin leading your community through nature-based meditations, whether you choose to offer meditations in person or via Zoom. The next training is in March.

Breathwork is powerful because it supports us in coming into deep inner alignment, and (re) discovering that we do in fact have everything we need within. Because breathwork is in the realm of energy medicine and bodywork (when you learn to do hand-on facilitation), and because of the possible trauma responses that can be triggered, we would recommend doing a few levels of training before offering breathwork to your community. Here are my recommended breathwork teacher trainings.

Ayurveda yoga teacher trainer Melanie Phillips’ story about healing through ayurveda treatment is incredibly compelling. Melanie runs an online 100-hour Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training program that covers the history and philosophy of Ayurveda, the Doshas, Ayurvedic food and nutrition, the application of Ayurvedic self care, and how to create a successful business.

A one-year program, this Healing Arts Practitioner Training is for those who want to learn and teach a variety of modalities: breathwork—sound healing, and more—and appreciate an approach that’s both science-based and mystical.This training offers a container of like-minded individuals for support and community. Expect to receive a tonne of support as you step into creating a new offer. This program is as much about your spiritual growth as it is about career growth. Shanila provides mastermind support along the way to teach students how to best shape up their offer, and create a successful wellness business.

Remember, if you’re stepping onto a new path, it’s normal to feel uncertain. Many of us find ourselves saying, “I’m a healer but …” only to eventually dive right in. That’s why it’s really important to surround yourself with like-minded visionaries who believe in what you’re stepping into and can reflect the truth of your gifts back to you. This year, many of us are ready to approach our work differently, where it’s less about hustle and more about quantum co-creation. Don’t forget, the gifts you’re bringing forth are as much for others as they are for you, so be sure to set yourself up for success. 

Written by Monica Krake, certified Breathwork Practitioner and founder of Head + Heart. Monica helps businesses get clear on their mission and bring it to life in the most aligned way via breathwork + spiritual website creation.


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