
The French Fry Sommelier Knows A Thing Or Two About Everyone’s Favourite Food

July 13, 2023

Today, July 13, is National French Fry Day, and to celebrate Cavendish Farms is partnering with the self-proclaimed authority on fry eating etiquette, the French Fry Sommelier. His over-the-top devotion to the fry is shared through his intense and hilarious TikTok videos, full of fry details and factoids, as well as some provocative takes on dos and don’ts. Travelling across the globe, he brings his fans the finest flavours, textures and crispiness of the best french fries the world has to offer. Trained and certified as a Master Fry Sommelier at the famous Chateau Le Bon Frites in Marmot, France, he humbly offers his expertise to enhance fry eating pleasure. We chatted with him to learn more. —Vita Daily

Where does your over-the-top devotion to fries originate from? What makes you an authority on fry eating etiquette?

My love of potatoes goes further back than I can remember. But my first true French Fry experience is seared into my memory. I was all of five years old on a fine May morning, proudly accompanying my father on a business errand. Around noontime, a sudden and violent storm gathered about the city, and we ducked into a simple pub to avoid the torrents. Seeing as we had yet to satiate our hunger, my father suggested we hunker down to eat, and thereby wait out the remainder of the storm in comfort. I inquired as to whether the establishment would be able to bake a potatomy favorite preparation of a spud at that time. Sadly, they could not. The server, an older gentleman who struck me as a fair and plain dealing fellow, suggested French fries. My father heartily agreed. I was skeptical, as I associated the adjective “French” in a culinary context with the addition of rich sauces, something my youthful palate had yet to grow fond of. But there was something in my father’s eye, a twinkle, that sparked my curiosity, and indeed, my imagination. So, against my usual childlike reticence to try new foods, I agreed to a dish of fries. As the dish arrived, the storm bid our fair city adieu and the sun shone through the restaurant window. It alighted upon a plate of fries as golden as the fair celestial orb herself!  I remember letting out a gasp. Here was my beloved potato, in shockingly multitudinous glory; each similar, each slightly different. Each its own world of flavour, texture. Each a world of joy. A smile crossed my face. I ate the fries with the single-minded pleasure of a caged bird newly freed and soaring upon the highest winds. My father smiling approvingly, and the kindly server remarked, “He’s found his calling.” Never were truer words spoken. From that day, I knew it was my mission to bring the Joy of Fries to world, and to elevate this great and beautiful to dish to its rightful place in the pantheon of the Food of the Gods.

Where in the world have you eaten fries, and what have some of your favourite iterations/preparations been?

My French fry endeavours have taken me all over the globe-From Peru to Perth and everywhere in between. Every genre of fry brings its own flair, but I would have to say my favourite iteration had to have been in Paris. Impeccably plated and paired with escargot, caviar and topped with leaves of gold. Nothing could possibly compare to such an embarrassment of riches that danced in my mouth that day.

What is your idea of the perfect french fry?

Each fry is unique, and perfection is found in the eye of the beholder. Whether shoestring, waffle or thick cut—all perfect fries share these qualities: crisp, like the first day of autumn, gold like the evening sun setting over the French Riviera, and the interior, fluffy like a quaint cloud on a summer’s day.

What are some French fry dos and don’ts?

DO put your dip on the side in a ramekin. DO use correct hand posture when consuming French fries: right hand, third and fourth digits in the presence of a high ranking official, if possible. DO be bold with your French fry pairings. Take chances when choosing the perfect combination- dare to dream my friend.

DON’T share sauces under any circumstances. DON’T eat undercooked fries. There is nothing more disappointing than a limp potato. DON’T eat fries on-the-go. French fries in any form are a delicacy and deserve to be savoured. This process cannot be rushed.

What are some fun facts people may not know about fries?

  • Fries are actually perfect for any occasion. Nana’s funeral? Fries will help. Midnight snack? How about some waffle fries! Toasting the bride and groom? Do it with fries!
  • The company you keep while enjoying fries, influences the taste. Once I shared a plate with the Dalai Lama and experienced a short but crispy state of Nirvana.
  • French fries are so much more than just a side. They are the main event, they are the piece de la resistance of any meal.
  • French fries are both an art and a science! A chemical reaction during the frying process between amino acids and reducing sugars known as The Maillard reaction is responsible for the rich, golden-brown colour and the exemplary flavour of fries.
  • The little-known Battle Glenhaven in 1823 was resolved after a peace offering of fresh French fries plated on gold-encrusted china and paired with a truffle oil-parmesan dip was presented, or so the story goes …


  1. Velma Sandry

    July 24th, 2023 at 4:02 pm

    I love French fries and it truly is so important to respect the humble potato to create the best fries!

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