
Ask Coach Erin: Fall Self-Care & Back-To-School Lunch Ideas

August 31, 2023

Hey, beauties!

If you’re anything like me, this time of the year brings a mixture of feelings: one part sadness that summer is slipping away and the other part leaping forward into sweater weather, cozy lattes and some reprieve from the busyness of summer. 

As this season winds down and we make our way into fall, I feel excited to get back to my routine — especially when it comes to the self care practices that keep me feeling my best. 

Early September is filled with the bustle of back-to-school energy, and most of us crave a little more structure than we had over the previous couple of months. Whether that’s an intuitive yearning or simply the product of hyper-organized #virgoseason, I think we could all benefit from a little more focus on our health and wellness right now. 

I’ve been getting a ton of questions about how to incorporate more self-care practices (if you haven’t submitted a question, make sure you do so here! Q’s related to anxiety, wellness, body image, self love, motherhood, mindset, and self care are all welcome). In this week’s column, I’m giving you my best tips for how to do so. Plus, I get into self-care for your little ones as well through some kids’ school lunch ideas. 

Q: I’ve been drinking more than usual this summer, and I’m looking to add in more structure around my health this season. Any tips?

Most of us are a lot more liberal with our alcohol consumption over the summer, which can leave our nerves feeling frayed and our mindsets less than inspired. 

The first step to getting back on track is to not beat yourself up about your choices; summer comes once a year, and it’s okay to let yourself indulge! My recommendation is to add in a few, simple habits each day to help yourself feel well, whole, and with a sense of vitality (P.S. an excellent way to do so is by joining my 14-day Movement + Self-Love Challenge, happening Sept. 10-23!). 

Here are a few practices to incorporate each day to feel your best:

  1. Move your body. Even just 20 minutes each day will make a world of difference on how you feel about yourself!
  2. Start your day with water. This will ensure you stay hydrated throughout your day, helping your body function optimally. 
  3. Find gratitude. As soon as you wake up, think about three things you’re grateful for. This will help you to create more of that, increasing your feelings of abundance and contentment. 

Q: Any back-to-school lunch ideas for kiddos? I’m feeling lost. 

I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed by packing your kids’ lunches everyday — and making sure that you pack something they’ll enjoy while also hitting those pillars of nutrition.

The first step to packing a back-to-school lunch is to identify your kids’ preferences. For me, I’d rather pack something that I know they’ll eat rather than something I hope they eat. 

Next, try to incorporate as many colours of the rainbow into their lunch as you can. This ensures that you’ve packed a lunch with lots of variety. Plus, kids love colour!

Normally, I lean on a bento-box style lunch. This allows me to pack an assortment of food (and nutrients!) that they’ll love.  This looks like pita bread with hummus, salami, sandwiches, fruit & veggies, Made Well snack balls and fruit roll-ups from Whole Foods. Try not to overthink this process; incorporate the things you know they’ll like, and add in as much colour as possible.  Ideally your child feels comfortably full at the end of their meal and satisfied from a variety of flavours, textures and tastes. 

I also find it helpful to remember that it’s normal for kids to eat more some days and less other days.  You may also notice they just want cheese and bread one day but two days later they’re way more open to fruits and vegetables. Rather than getting caught up in hitting all the food groups every single day, aim to include them all over the course of a week.  Think big picture vs. little moment when it comes to feeding your little ones. 

I hope this was helpful! Again, don’t forget to submit your health and wellness questions — I’ll try my best to answer them in the next column!

Btw, if you’re looking for extra one-on-one support along your wellness journey, book a 20-minute breakthrough call with me. 

Talk soon!

Xo Erin


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