
Ask Coach Erin: Burnout & Meditation

September 13, 2023

Hi beauties!

This time of year can feel like a hustle; with back-to-school season upon us, I’m a big fan of optimizing self-care practices to stay grounded. 

Speaking of which, this week I noticed a theme in the questions that were being submitted.. Many of you are wondering how to cope with burnout, overwhelm and feeling overscheduled. Some of you are also curious about how to start (and stick to) a daily meditation practice—perhaps to mitigate these feelings of overwhelm and find balance again.

P.S. if you haven’t submitted your q’s, make sure you do so here for a chance to have me answer them in this bi-weekly column. 

Alright, let’s get into this week’s questions!

Q: It’s only September and I’m already feeling burnt out. How do I cope?

Burnout can affect us at many points in our lives—and I’ve definitely been there. I notice I am near the edges of burnout when I have too much on my plate and I haven’t given myself enough space to rest or I’m not asking for help/

Many people feel physical, emotional, and behavioural impacts of burnout. Headaches, fatigue, poor sleep, loss of motivation, isolation, withdrawal, and procrastination are all symptoms of being over-capacity. If you’re already there, I encourage you to give yourself some compassion; beating yourself up about feeling burnt out isn’t going to help.

The best way to cope with burnout and get yourself into a more regulated state is to incorporate small, consistent changes. Here are a few steps you can begin implementing:

  1. Up your sleep hygiene. Turn off your screens an hour before bedtime, read a book, and drink calming tea, like peppermint or chamomile, prior to sleep. Getting a proper night’s rest will help your system recover. 
  2. Try down-regulating movement. Rather than doing a HIIT workout, try going for a gentle walk or doing a yin yoga practice to help calm your nervous system.
  3. Take some things off your plate. I know this can be a tough one, but it’s essential. Ask yourself, what do you actually want to say yes to and what are you committing to out of habit or the need to please others? Cancel anything that doesn’t feel nourishing or essential, and let yourself have that space for downtime.
  4. Talk to someone. Whether you work with a coach or simply talk to friends and family, letting someone into your life will help you feel held and supported.

Q: I know meditation would be good for me but I’m having a hard time starting. Any advice?

I hear you—at the beginning, meditation can feel daunting. This is especially true for those of us who run our lives at a fast pace; pausing can be downright uncomfortable. Plus, meditation isn’t exactly highly stimulating. It’s a discipline that can help to bring harmony into our lives through consistent, repetitive practice. 

Here are a few tips for incorporating meditation into your daily life:

  1. Start small. Don’t try to meditate for hours at a time when you’re first starting out. Put aside five minutes a day. Then, once you’ve been consistent with showing up to your mat for five minutes a day, up it to ten minutes, then 15, then 20, slowly increasing the time you’re sitting for as you become more comfortable with the practice. 
  2. Sit at the same time everyday. This will help create consistency and you’re more likely to keep up with the practice if you intentionally carve out time for it. 
  3. Try a guided meditation. If you’re struggling with sitting with your thoughts by yourself, try a guided practice instead. The Insight Timer app has some beautiful meditations.
  4. Try a workshop. It can be helpful to sit with a community, guided by an experienced teacher. Find a local meditation workshop or try my online Intro to Meditation Workshop, happening September 25.

That’s all for this week! For those looking for a little extra support as you navigate this season, book a free discovery call with me. 


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