Lifestyle & Parenting

Sleep Hygiene & Bedtime Tips From A Pro

September 18, 2023

We know personal hygiene is important, but did you know sleep hygiene is just as necessary for your overall health? Sleep hygiene refers to our environment and behaviour when it comes to bedtime routines. Additionally, as kids head back to school, it can be difficult to re-establish healthy night-time routines. This disruption in our routines can compromise our sleep hygiene and prevent us from catching enough zzzs. Luckily, Amanda Jewson, certified sleep consultant and mother of two, has partnered with Dairy Farmers of Ontario to give us nutrition tips to help transform your sleep and ensure a smooth back-to-school season for you and your littles. —Noa Nichol

Hi Amanda! Please tell us a bit about yourself to start.

Hello! I am a registered social worker and certified sleep consultant, as well as a dedicated mother to two with a passion for aiding families in developing wholesome sleep routines. Since founding the sleep wellness consulting service, Baby’s Best Sleep in 2017, I’ve touched the lives of countless families across the globe. I firmly believe that quality sleep is a fundamental need, not a luxury, and I aim to debunk the notion that sleep is merely optional. My methodology is anchored in evidence-based research, crafting personalized programs tailored to each client’s needs. I also like to bring humour and insights to the world of sleep wellness as the creator and host of The Slumber Party Podcast.

What is sleep hygiene, and why is it necessary for our overall health?

Sleep hygiene refers to our environment and behaviour when it comes to bedtime routines. Sleep Hygiene is necessary for overall health as it promotes restful and restorative sleep and as kids head back to school, it can be difficult to re-establish these healthy night-time routines. This disruption in our routines can compromise our sleep hygiene and in turn, prevent us from catching enough sleep. The benefits of proper sleep hygiene include a consistent sleep schedule, a comfortable sleeping environment, enhanced mood, and supporting overall immune function. Poor sleep hygiene can lead to sleep disorders and various health problems, including weakened immunity, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, cardiovascular issues, and weight gain.

As kids head back to school, it can be difficult to re-establish healthy night-time routines. How can this impact both parents and kiddos?

This disruption in our routines can compromise both parents and kids’ night-time routines. Re-establishing healthy nighttime routines as kids return to school is crucial for both parents and children. The lack of consistent routines can lead to parental stress and can greatly impact children’s sleep quality. To mitigate these impacts, parents should set regular bedtime routines and create a sleep-conducive environment for their children. For school-aged children, a consistent bedtime routine is key to ensuring quality sleep. Aim for a bedtime that allows 9-11 hours of rest and incorporates calming activities like reading or drawing to help wind down. Limit electronic use an hour before sleep, as it can interfere with melatonin production. In terms of the sleep environment, a cool, quiet, and dimly lit room with comfortable bedding can significantly improve sleep quality. Consistency, limited screen time, and a conducive sleep setting are crucial components for better rest and overall well-being. Providing children with a balanced, nutritional diet will help ensure children are getting the proper nutrients they need. It can be as simple as incorporating 1 glass of high-quality local milk into your kids everyday routine to ensure they are receiving 15 essential nutrients. By implementing this achievable step into our daily routines, this can help promote a better sleep routine for kids and reduce stress for parents.

How does nutrition play a role in all of this…both sleep hygiene and healthy night-time routines?

Nutrition plays a role in both sleep hygiene and healthy nighttime routines as it can affect sleep quality, energy levels, and the body’s ability to relax. It is essential that we are receiving the right amount of nutrients in order for our bodies to promote optimal sleep quality. For example, Vitamin B6 works hard to regulate our sleep-wake cycle, while Vitamin D is crucial in boosting melatonin production – together, these can improve our sleep patterns and create a healthier sleep routine. These vitamins are both found in a single glass of milk! 

Why do certain high protein and fat content dairy products make an ideal before-bed snack for small children?

Sleep has a huge impact on both our mental and physical health, so anything that will help aid our sleep patterns is going to strengthen our overall wellness. Milk is packed with 15 essential nutrients, including Vitamin B6 and Vitamin D. Vitamin B6 works hard to regulate our sleep-wake cycle, while Vitamin D is crucial in boosting melatonin production. Together these can improve our overall sleep patterns and allow families to get a better night’s rest. High-protein and high-fat dairy products like full-fat milk can make ideal before-bed snacks for small children due to their macronutrient content. Proteins and fats take longer to digest, providing a steady release of energy that could potentially prevent overnight hunger and help sustain sleep.

What is the science behind the age-old tip of enjoying a glass of milk before bed? Does it matter if it’s warm or cold?

Many people may not know this but one glass of milk is packed with 15 essential nutrients, including Vitamin B6 which regulates our sleep-wake cycle, ensuring a good night’s sleep ahead. Drinking one glass of milk before bed can be a great way to wind-down for the evening, allowing us to set the mood for a positive sleep. An old wives tale, but one with some great evidence behind it! Magnesium is a mineral that plays a role in muscle relaxation. A lack of magnesium has been linked to sleep difficulties, including insomnia and anxiety. Having a glass of milk before bedtime, along with a balanced diet and a consistent sleep routine, can contribute to improved sleep quality.

What are your other top nutritional tips to promote better sleep hygiene?

We know personal hygiene is important, but did you know sleep hygiene is just as necessary for our overall health? When it comes to nutrition, this directly impacts our sleep hygiene through ensuring we have a consistent sleep schedule and supporting our overall immune function. It’s important that we incorporate nutrient-rich foods into our daily routines, such as a glass of milk. Milk is packed with 15 essential nutrients, including Vitamin B6 and Vitamin D which regulates our sleep-wake cycle and boosts melatonin production. Whether we’re incorporating a glass of milk in our breakfast routine or an evening snack before bed, a glass of milk can aid in our sleep hygiene and ensure we have a proper night’s rest. Limit sugary snacks, caffeine, and alcohol, as they can disrupt your sleep cycle. Opt for a small portion of high-protein, high-fat dairy or a cup of herbal tea as an ideal before-bed snack. With these nutritional tweaks, a better night’s sleep could be just a bite away.

What’s your advice around creating a healthy sleep routine that works for one’s family?

Every family is different, therefore a healthy sleep routine may look a little different for each family, especially during the busy back to school season. We want to ensure we are implementing tactics that are easy for each family to follow and work seamlessly with their everyday lives. One way we can easily ensure we are implementing a healthy sleep routine for our family is incorporating one glass of high-quality local milk into our diets. By implementing one glass of local milk each day into our family’s routines, we’re positively influencing our sleep quality and regulating our sleep-wake cycle due to milk’s 15 essential nutrients. Drinking one glass of milk before bed can be a great way to wind down for the evening, allowing us to set the mood for a restful sleep. Creating a healthy sleep routine that works for the entire family involves a blend of consistency, nutrition, and a conducive sleep environment. Stick to a regular bedtime that allows for sufficient rest for each family member, and incorporate wind-down activities like reading to signal that it’s time for sleep. Make bedrooms a sanctuary for sleep by keeping them cool, dark, and quiet. By synchronizing these elements, your family can develop a sleep routine that not only improves individual rest but also enhances overall family well-being.

Any tips for transitioning kids into the busy fall season without sacrificing a good night’s sleep?

Finding a routine that prioritizes a healthy sleep schedule can be difficult for families, especially during the back to school season when there are a lot of changes to our routine. Sleep has a huge impact on both our mental and physical health, so anything that will help aid our sleep patterns is going to strengthen our overall wellness. One tip families can easily incorporate into their kids’ daily lives during the busy fall season is adding one glass of high-quality local milk into their bedtime routines. A single glass of milk is packed with 15 essential nutrients for good health, including Vitamin B6 which regulates our sleep-wake cycle, promoting a proper night’s sleep ahead, something that we know is extremely important during a busy time for families such as the fall season. Parents can try switching out the water in their family’s morning pancakes or oatmeal for milk or adding some cheese for a side of protein into kids’ lunch. Another tip is for parents to find things that their family already loves, like their favourite fruit smoothie and adding in some extra dairy – keeping them full and focused with slow burning energy. As families transition into the bustling fall season filled with school, extracurricular activities, and social events, maintaining quality sleep becomes more challenging but increasingly crucial. Start by gradually adjusting bedtimes and wake-up times a week or two before the hectic schedule kicks in, ensuring kids still get the recommended amount of sleep. Prioritize essential activities and set boundaries to avoid over-scheduling, which can lead to late nights and compromised sleep.

What does bedtime look like at your house?

In my household, sleep is paramount!  Our thoughtful bedtime routine begins early in the evening to ensure everyone gets the restful sleep they need. I make sure to incorporate a glass of milk into my kids’ meals or snacks during the day for its nutritional and magnesium content, which aids in better sleep. Dinner wraps up a couple of hours before bedtime, followed by some downtime where the kids and I engage in a relaxing activity like UNO or Settlers of Catan! As bedtime draws near, all electronic devices are set aside to avoid the blue light that hinders sleep. The kids begin their routine beginning with a shower, jammies and some reading before bed. Then we have 1-1 time with each kiddo chatting about our days and then we head to bed in bedrooms that are cool, dark, and quiet. My kids sleep well because we’ve always prioritized these routines and excellent nutrition throughout the day!


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