Lifestyle & Parenting

5 Reasons For Dating Fatigue & How To Find Your Perfect Match

October 4, 2023

Feeling exhausted from the dating scene? You’re not alone. As the founder of Millionaire Search International, an elite matchmaking firm that goes above and beyond to identify compatible partners for highly successful individuals, here’s the bottom line. For the most part, I have seen my clients experience dating fatigue, loneliness and disappointment in the current landscape. That is, of course, before they come to me.

Dating fatigue can take a toll on your enthusiasm and quest for love. But don’t worry, there are ways to reinvigorate your dating life. Here are five key findings that trigger dating fatigue and how to find more success:

Reason #1: Self-Perception Matters

If you’ve ever thought you were too old, not wealthy, too short, or not attractive enough for the partner of your dreams, it’s time for a mindset shift. Believe that you are worthy of a great relationship. Don’t settle for less. Changing your self-perception can have a direct correlation to your success and change the quality of partners you attract.

Reason #2: Overthinking and Fear of Rejection

Hiding behind your keyboard won’t solve the problem. While rejection stings, remember that it simply means you weren’t a match. You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s perfectly fine. Embrace the process, learn from it, and keep going.

Reason #3: Fishing in the Wrong Pond

Are you stuck in a rut and dating the same type of person repeatedly? It’s not a scarcity issue; it’s a type of problem. Seek the partner you truly desire rather than settling for convenience. Nearly 15% of online app and site users’ relationships last less than six months, 7.2% have a relationship between six months and a year and 14.7% have a relationship that lasted more than a year (1).

Don’t rush into a relationship just to avoid the single status pressure; finding the right partner is worth the wait.

Reason #4: Lack of Clarity and Planning

A dating plan is your roadmap to success. Align it with your life goals and criteria for a partner. Organize your preferences to scout, sort, and screen effectively. As a Matchmaker, I focus aligning my clients’ lifestyle as a priority to ensure the match has a high rate of success. Knowing what you want and don’t want can help you break free from the dating rut.

Reason #5: Lack of Guidance and Mentorship

Seeking help with your dating life is not a sign of weakness but a sign of determination. Speak to any relationship expert and you’ll hear about a dating plan and how organizing your criteria will allow you to scout, sort and screen more effectively and stop dating fatigue in its tracks. With a structured dating plan, success is achievable.

In today’s digital dating landscape, many feel frustrated and insecure. Online interactions can strip away the natural process of getting to know someone. Only 42% of dating site users aim for marriage and of that 13% get engaged or married from the platform (2).

Dating fatigue is a common struggle, but you can overcome it by changing your self-perception, embracing rejection, seeking the right partner, planning your dating journey, and considering mentorship. Finding lasting love may take time, but with the right mindset and approach, you can revitalize your dating life. —Natacha Noël

A matchmaker with over 15 years of experience matching elite clients, Natacha Noël is known as the matchmaker for the 1% and continues to create power couples through her program at Millionaire Search. Natacha Noël is the founder of Millionaire Search International, an elite matchmaking firm that goes above and beyond to identify compatible partners for highly successful men and smart, attractive women seeking lasting love.


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