Lifestyle & Parenting

The Mom Flow: Summer Plans + TV Guilt

January 28, 2024

Happy Friday, flow-ers! I was THISCLOSE to having to pull the plug on this week’s newsletter and I really didn’t want to (more on why it almost didn’t happen, below). I’m sitting here, 10pm on Thursday night, finishing it up. I know, I know, give me a medal. I’m only saying this so you know how much I love being here with you every Friday! So, shall we?! P.S: ICYMI, you can listen to this post using the player above.

Breaking out of my own limitations

I’m officially out of my comfort zone. Don’t worry, I’ll explain. I’m so conscious about the fact that as we get older, we get so much more set in our ways. I have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone in many ways with my life + work reset, changing my patterns, habits, and being ok with sucking at things… like starting to run on the treadmill. Literally, so far out of my comfort zone! In the privacy of my condo gym, I went for it – I made sure I was all by myself because I knew there would be some loud huffing and puffing happening. I’m not planning on becoming a runner, I’ve only started with short 20 second sprints, but it honestly felt so good to really push myself! I told hubs today that I used to wake up and come up with all of the excuses why I can’t make a workout happen, and it has now completely shifted to me looking forward to it. Who. Am. I.

The never ending mom juggle

Oh my word, can we all take a moment to recognize that the mom juggle is real. Poor Lola has been sick (again) this week, and yours truly has the flexible schedule in the fam. Soooo, I’ve been doing the juggle all week long. It was a busy week with lots of events, a podcast interview, sponsored content deadlines, new client on boarding. I know so many of us are doing this and it can be so damn challenging. Like, literally, your week just blows up and you have no control over it. I swear moms don’t talk about this?! This sh!t is HARD. Remember to take a moment to get in your mom flow and do something for yourself in the midst of the chaos. Thankful for the grandparents who show up to snuggle and take over so I can be a working mom.

Summer holidays on the brain

The part of being a mom that I can never seem to wrap my head around is that you’re somehow always living in the future. Like, you have to be so ahead of the curve at all times! Basically, if you’re not buying snowsuits in August, you’re doing it wrong. I’m already planning our summer holidays (and every mom reading this is probably saying “um, duh, mine’s already all booked” ha). A huge goal of ours has always been to get to the place where we can spend six weeks a year in Portugal. We did it last year, and are right on the verge of booking it again for 2024. My sis and her fam are even going to join us for a few weeks because they will be in Holland with family. Summer vacay countdown is on! —Erin Sousa

There’s more! Keep reading this week’s edition of The Mom Flow by Erin Sousa; subscribe for free to receive new posts and support her work, here!


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