Dining & Wine

Melissa Urban Explains The New Whole30 Diet

August 5, 2024

Melissa Urban is well-known for having introduced the Whole30 diet in 2009, but a lot has changed since then in terms of our understanding about nutrition; with this in mind, Melissa consulted her team of nutrition experts for The New Whole30 book. There is new and updated information, brand-new recipes and a new plant-based Whole30 plan. We spoke with Melissa to learn more. —Noa Nichol

Since the original Whole30 was launched in 2009, there has been significant progress in nutritional science. What are some of the most impactful changes or updates included in The New Whole30 based on this new understanding?

The change that will likely come as the biggest surprise is that we no longer eliminate any cooking oil on the program—not even “seed oils” like soybean or canola. The narrative, playing out for at least a decade, has been that because seed oils contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), they are inflammatory and should be avoided. Some wellness influencers have even gone so far as to call them “toxic” or “poison.” In preparation for the book, we tasked independent researchers to analyze and summarize the current reputable science on seed oils. It turns out that the fear mongering around their inflammatory nature just doesn’t hold up. We found no credible evidence that increasing polyunsaturated fat consumption leads to increased inflammation or heart disease risk. In fact, there is almost universal agreement between studies that substituting PUFAs in place of saturated fat in the diet reduces heart disease risk significantly. (This is especially true in the context of a whole foods-based diet like the Whole30.) You can find a more detailed report and summary on our website, but we’ve made a rule change as a result, such that the Whole30 no longer excludes any cooking oil, regardless of their source. I’m sure this will ruffle some feathers, as we did a few years ago when we change. However, I am confident in the science, and am not afraid to change my mind when presented with new information.

The New Whole30 features a new plant-based program. What motivated you to include a plant-based option, and how does it align with the core principles of the Whole30?

We’ve always offered recommendations for vegetarians and vegans, while at the same time,  acknowledging that you can’t do the Whole30 as written without eating animal protein. In 2020, in an effort to further support our ever-growing community, we began outlining a 100% plant-based version of the program. The Plant-Based Whole30 offers the same elimination and reintroduction structure; community support; and comprehensive suite of recipes and resources as the Original Whole30. However, this program includes no animal products while supporting adequate protein intake and balanced blood sugar regulation through the elimination phase. This Whole30 expansion helps those who are already vegan identify the plant-based foods that work best for them. It also helps omnivores include more plants in their diet in a way that supports their energy, sleep, digestion, and health.

In creating The New Whole30, you consulted with a team of nutrition experts. Can you share some insights or key advice that influenced the updates and additions to this edition?

Aside from seed oils, we did make two other rule changes (related to additives) based on our researchers’ findings. However, you’ll find many updates in the book outside of just the rules. The work I did with registered dietitians, medical doctors, and licensed therapists allowed me to update the book in a way that prioritizes participants’ success and their mental health. For example, our stance on doing the Whole30 with your kids is vastly different in this book, given everything we now know about the impact of diet and weight talk on children. In fact, for the first time ever, I clearly addressed both diet culture and weight loss in the book, with the help of several trusted advisors. I appreciated the opportunity to talk about these subjects head-on, and believe our positions here only serve to give the program more integrity.

The Whole30 diet has been transformative for many people. Can you share some success stories or feedback that particularly stood out to you over the years?

I have so many, it’s hard to choose. Last week at an event, I met a young woman who said during her Whole30, her social anxiety melted away. I also met a woman in her 40’s who said she hasn’t had a migraine in 7 years, because she now knows what her food triggers are. I met a man at an event in Philadelphia who said he thought he just had to live with his decades-old knee and back pain—but by the second week of his Whole30, it was gone. I’ve also heard from countless women in their 40’s and 50’s who found menopausal symptoms like brain fog and hot flashes were greatly reduced thanks to their Whole30. The program can be truly life-changing, but stories from those who “just” improve their energy, sleep more deeply, reduce their cravings, and smooth their digestion are just as impressive

What are some of your favorite new recipes in The New Whole30, and what makes them special to you?

Melissa’s Chicken Hash is one of my favorites. I created that with the help of a chef friend, because I was sick of eggs for breakfast. The dish is hearty, delicious, and quick to prepare, and the yogurt-based raita adds the perfect punch of flavor. The Somali-Inspired Beef and Collards Sauté is also a new favorite. It draws inspiration from the Somali spice blend xawaash, and the use of ground beef makes for a delicious but quick weeknight dinner. I also love the Macrobiotic Bowl with Turmeric-Ginger Dressing on the Plant-Based Whole30. The roasted chickpeas and sweet potato make that bowl so hearty, the dressing is delicious on everything, and the flavors meld even better overnight.

For those who are new to the Whole30 or might be considering it for the first time, what advice or tips would you give to help them get started and stay motivated?

First, plan and prepare. Get familiar with the Program Rules, plan at least three days of meals, and prepare some protein, veggies, and emergency food before you begin. The better you prepare, the less likely you are to cave to stress, peer pressure, or cravings. Then, find your support system! Whether it’s a family member or friend, co-workers, or our online Whole30 community, you’ll need the support, accountability, and connection to see this commitment through. Finally, keep it simple. You don’t have to cook a different recipe every night! You can cook whole-food ingredients and tie them together with a dressing or sauce; order a Whole30 Wholesome Bowl from Chipotle; use our Made By Whole30 meal delivery service; or make extra and lean on leftovers. (Or all of the above!)

How do you envision the future of the Whole30 program evolving, especially with the growing interest in plant-based diets and other emerging nutritional trends?

What gives Whole30 such staying power is that we aren’t swayed by short-term nutrition trends. Trends come and go—but not everyone feels or performs well on a low-carb approach or a vegan diet. The Whole30 is a tool to help you identify the foods that work best for your unique body, regardless of the trends. We give you the knowledge and self-confidence to make the right choices for you, regardless of what’s popular on TikTok that week. If the science evolves, of course our program rules and recommendations will also evolve. We’ll also continue to expand our accessibility, including offering more convenience products, resources for doing Whole30 on a budget, and plant-based recipes.  But we’ve stood the test of time because we don’t tell people what to eat long-term—we simply lead you to the dietary approach and foods that works best for you.


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