Lifestyle & Parenting

The Mom Flow: Euro Lessons + Home Sweet Home

August 11, 2024

Welcome to The Mom Flow, where I share things that are on my mind in the hopes of helping you connect to your Mom Flow. Thanks for being here! —Erin Sousa

I took quite a break from writing here and it’s only because I really do put a lot of effort into these posts and things were absolutely craaaaazy for a few months (selling and buying a home, 6 weeks of travel to Europe …). Let’s get into it!

Euro summer lessons

The breath of fresh air that is Europe. I never want to forget how freaking different I feel about the cycle of buy buy buy more more more when I get back from six weeks in Europe. The way they focus on living life and enjoying it instead of buying more stuff and looking at that as ‘status’ or ‘success’ really is everything. How we have gotten caught up in making more to buy more bc *happiness* is such a big nothing burger – stuff doesn’t make life worth living. Sign me up for experiences, time with family, not letting consumerism cloud every single aspect, and teaching my daughter the same. I love that she will grow up spending summers in Europe and seeing how they do it there. Lots more to come on this because it’s a biiig conversation.

Life with a 4 year old

Lola just turned 4 and lemme tell ya, 4 is really a whole other can of worms! Nothing prepares you for having a little sidekick that calls you on everything, asks you a million questions a day (mom, mom, mom), has meltdowns (but is too smart to let you talk them out of it), and needs more to do. I think because she’s out of her schedule and has been for 6 weeks, she’s a little extra, but mama is tired and excited for her to be back in daycare because it’ll give her a little break from us, and let her play with kiddos her age. She is obsessed with being bigger, older, but is too ‘tired’ to put her plate in the kitchen. It actually cracks me up, love this kid so much. Cheers to 4!

Contentment of home

Settling into out new home now that we’re back feels so so special and amazing. I love being in a neighbourhood. I’ve lived in Vancouver for 20 years and have been in an apt or condo ever since, so this is a huge change and feels very different. ICYMI, we moved into a duplex and we are so content here. We had our first dinner party and hosting our friends here was the best! I loved cooking dinner in our new kitchen, and seeing the kids play together in the backyard. So surreal. We live only a few minutes from Roberto’s parents now and that’s made life feel more full and simple – they get to pop over easily. I promise I’ll give you a home tour on IG sooooon!

What to watch

In Europe, we ended up watching a few hours of TV a week, and I thought I’d catch you up on what we are loving to watch as a couple, because when you have a new show to watch, life just feels better:

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (great show, and omg I love Donald Glover)
Owning Manhattan (could this be my fave of this genre?!)
The Bear (season 3 is shaping up to be a good one)
Presumed Innocent (loved this one, lots of twists)
Love Island USA season 6 (watching this alone but like, I do notttt get the hype… trying hard bc I need a solo show, but it’s just maybe not my thing! Reminds me too much of a Big Brother feel and is there anyone of substance there or am I just not getting it lol)
*on the plane back home I finalllly watched Barbie (I KNOW) and I cannot believe how good it was. I was blown away by the subtext of the entire movie. I also watched and really liked Priscilla!


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