
From The Ice To The Fight: Carlo Colaiacovo On Family, Cancer & Road Hockey To Conquer Cancer

September 23, 2024

In a battle that hits close to home, Carlo Colaiacovo, former NHL defenseman and TSN sports broadcaster, is more than just a hockey star—he’s a dedicated father, husband, and fierce advocate for cancer research. After his young son Leo’s courageous fight against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Carlo now leads “Leo’s Lions” in the world’s largest road hockey fundraiser, Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer. In this Q&A, Carlo shares his personal journey, his family’s resilience, and why supporting breakthrough cancer research at Princess Margaret means so much. —Noa Nichol

Carlo, you’ve had an incredible hockey career, but your biggest victory must be seeing Leo come through his battle with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Can you tell us how his strength and resilience have inspired your family and your involvement in Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer?

Without question, Leo overcoming Leukemia is by far the biggest victory. Leo was diagnosed when he was just two years old. He didn’t really understand what was happening and outside of the hospital, he continued to just “be a kid”. He truly led the way for all of us throughout his treatment – always smiling, laughing, playing. His determination in facing challenges has always motivated us to get involved and support vital initiatives in the fight against cancer. Participating in Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer is a way for us to honour his journey and everything he’s been through and contribute to a cause that is near and dear to our hearts.

You and your brother Marco lead “Leo’s Lions” every year in this event. What does it mean to you to bring together family, friends, and fellow athletes to raise awareness and funds for cancer research at Princess Margaret?

My brother, Marco took the lead a few years ago to put together a roster of friends and family who raise funds and show up to support this great cause. It means the world to our family to bring everyone together in honour of Leo.  It has always been important to us to surround ourselves with a good support system. Our families and friends have rallied around us since the day Leo was diagnosed. But being in the hospital together is certainly no fun.  Getting involved in a fun event like Road Hockey brings everyone together to gather as a community, have a good time, get in a good workout, and really enjoy the day together – all while doing some good in raising awareness and funds for cancer research at Princess Margaret.

Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer has raised over $33 million to support ground-breaking cancer research. How important is it for you to be part of this event, not just as a player but as a parent who has personally experienced the impact of cancer?

Being part of this event is deeply significant to us, especially as parents who have witnessed the profound impact of cancer – on our son, on our family, and on the kids and families of the incredible people we’ve come to know through Leo’s diagnosis. This event has become something we really look forward to. We attended our first Road Hockey event in 2018 – 6 months before Leo was even diagnosed. It was important to us then but is even more important to us now. Our personal experience with cancer has given us a unique perspective on its challenges and the importance of both support and funding research to advance treatments for all types of cancer. We have a true appreciation for every dollar that is raised for The Princess Margaret.By participating in this event, we’re continuing the fight against cancer, helping to raise awareness, and showing and lending our support to those affected by it…all while honoring the journey our son and our family have been through.

Your wife Gina played a pivotal role during Leo’s treatment, providing immense strength for your family. How did you and Gina navigate that challenging time, and how do you continue to stay strong for Leo and Mia?

Navigating our son’s cancer diagnosis was an incredibly challenging time for us as it came as a complete and utter shock.  We relied heavily on each other and our families for strength and support. If Superwoman were a real human – it would be Gina. She took everything on and was the rock of our family – taking Leo to all his appointments, administering all of his chemo medications and supporting us all emotionally as we navigated that new “normal”. She is an incredible mom to our kids. To stay strong for Leo and Mia (Leo’s older sister), we always try to focus on maintaining a positive outlook. Thanks to years of fundraising and research, the cure rate for Leukemia is very high. It brings us great joy to see Leo enjoying his childhood – he’s now starting his second season of hockey and loving it!  And this past April, we celebrated a milestone – Leo is 5 years in remission! Being involved in fundraising events like Road Hockey helps us maintain that strength for our kids – they get to see the “good side” of the cancer world. One in which we can really do our best to make a difference.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. What message would you like to share with other families going through similar health battles, and how can they find strength in events like Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer?

To families facing a loved one’s cancer diagnosis, we want to share a message of hope and resilience. We are forever grateful for the love and support shown to us by our families and friends. We would encourage others to seek support, take things one day at a time, celebrate small victories, and remember that there is an army of support standing with them. Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer brings people together who understand the struggles of a cancer diagnosis and an event like this can be a place to connect with others, share experiences and stories of hope. These events not only contribute to the fight against cancer but can also offer a personal connection and encouragement to families navigating their own cancer diagnosis. The more Gina and I participate in important events like Road Hockey, the more we become witness to the generosity and compassion of those around us, who also want to make a difference. Register, donate or volunteer at


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