Health & Beauty

Breaking The Silence On Yeast Infections, Women’s Health + National Yeast Infection Day

October 7, 2024

As you may or may not know, October 27 is National Yeast Infection Day. Not many people acknowledge this day but for Aeryon Ashlie, it’s worth talking about. Seventy five per cent of women will have a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their life. Many of those women will have several. The irritation, discharge, intense itchiness and frequent recurrence isn’t something many women get public about. This secrecy is unfortunately a common theme in women’s health. Aeryon is a renowned holistic nutritionist, keynote speaker, best selling author, mom and founder of Aeryon Wellness. She is passionate about education and relief for yeast infection sufferers and has dedicated her career to sharing information and creating products to support women’s health. In response to her own symptoms, she created Canada’s first 100 per cent pure boric acid kit to support healthy vaginal pH and treat yeast infections. Yeast infections are a fairly taboo topic, but we opened up and chatted with Aeryon about them. —Vita Daily

Can you share the personal story that led you to create Up and Away, and how that journey influenced your approach to women’s wellness?

In 2016, I found myself in a relationship blissfully unaware of my partner’s disregard for monogamy. When the relationship ended, I was devastated to discover that he had been unfaithful with numerous partners for over a year and had left me with the unwelcome gift of chlamydia. With a shattered heart and a prescription in hand, I aimed to rebuild my life. However, the antibiotics prescribed to treat my condition wreaked havoc on my vaginal pH balance, leading to persistent yeast infections. After enduring months of recurring issues and more antibiotics, I finally secured an appointment with my gynecologist, who simply recommended, “boric acid.” That evening, I went on a quest from pharmacy to pharmacy, finally securing a bottle of this elusive solution. Within a few days, my problems had cleared up. I made it a point to share this discovery with every woman I knew.

Fast forward to 2021, Aeryon Wellness was two years old and featured four products in our lineup. At this time, while driving, it occurred to me: “Is anyone selling boric acid?” Realizing its potential, we applied to Health Canada for a license. In a whirlwind of activity over the next few weeks, we filed for our Natural Product Number (NPN) and settled on the product name “Up and Away” because, quite simply, you put it up, and the problem goes away.

By April 2022, I was on stage at the Canadian Health Food Association’s Launch Pad pitch contest, where I roused a crowd of 150 retailers to shout the word “Vagina.” Aeryon Wellness won the title of Innovative Product of the Year with Canada’s first 100% Boric Acid Kit. “Up and Away” is now among our top three best-sellers and has made a significant impact on women across Canada. Amidst all this success, I can’t help but reflect on how an act of infidelity inadvertently led me down this rewarding path—I’ve never been so grateful that someone cheated on me.

What makes boric acid such an effective solution for balancing vaginal pH and treating yeast infections, and how does Up and Away stand out as Canada’s first 100% pure boric acid kit?

Boric acid is so effective due to its antifungal and antiseptic properties. It helps to restore the natural acidic environment of the vagina, which is crucial for inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast. Additionally, boric acid’s ability to penetrate the fungal cell membrane disrupts cellular function, aiding in the elimination of yeast infections. Moreover, its effectiveness in treating yeast infections that are resistant to conventional antifungal treatments makes it a valuable alternative for many women.

With National Yeast Infection Day approaching, what do you hope to achieve by raising awareness and starting a conversation about yeast infections and vaginal health?

My goal is to break the stigma surrounding these common health issues, encouraging women to seek information and support without fear or shame. Raising awareness can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment, reducing discomfort and complications associated with untreated infections. Furthermore, I aspire to educate individuals on preventive measures, including maintaining proper hygiene, dietary considerations, and the use of products like boric acid when appropriate. Ultimately, my goal is to empower women with knowledge about their own bodies, promoting proactive and informed care for better overall vaginal health.

How do you recommend women incorporate Up and Away into their self-care routines, and what advice would you give to those who are new to using boric acid suppositories?

The product should be used as directed, typically inserting one suppository vaginally each night before bed. This allows the boric acid to work effectively overnight, restoring balance and providing relief from symptoms. For those new to using boric acid suppositories, it’s important to start with a clean, gentle approach. Prior to usage, ensure that your hands are clean to prevent introducing any new bacteria. Be sure to follow the dosage instructions provided on the packaging, and consider consulting a healthcare professional if you’re unsure about using it. New users should also monitor their body’s response to the treatment and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur. Incorporating these suppositories as part of a preventive routine alongside maintaining a balanced diet and good hygiene practices can significantly contribute to overall vaginal health.

Looking ahead, how do you see Aeryon Wellness continuing to innovate in the women’s health space, and are there any upcoming products or initiatives you’re excited about?

Aeryon Wellness is poised to continue making significant strides in the women’s health space by focusing on innovation and expanding our product line to address various health needs. We’re excited about the upcoming launch of several products designed to support women at different stages of life and cater to specific health requirements. “No Pause Menopause Support” is crafted to assist women experiencing menopause, offering an all natural relief from common symptoms and promoting hormonal balance. Additionally, “Whey 2 Good,” our carefully-formulated protein powder, aims to provide women with a convenient, nutritious source of protein to support muscle health and overall wellness. Another addition to our lineup, “G’d Day Sunshine,” delivers 2500 IU of Vitamin D to help bolster immune and hormonal function plus support bone health. These products illustrate our ongoing commitment to developing holistic and effective health solutions that empower women to lead healthier lives.


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