
Lunar New Year Influencer: Brigitte Truong

January 28, 2025

Our featured Canadian influencer this month is Brigitte Truong; read all about Brigitte below, and watch for more fabulous influencer insights in the coming months! —Vita Daily

How do you use your platform to impact those who follow you?

I’m a big fan of going after “it,” and whatever ‘it’ means to you, I really really encourage the pursuit of it. For me, “it” has always stood for the cup-filling life I want to lead which naturally has and continues to evolve over time. Whether it’s a show I’m hosting, a podcast episode I am recording, or a piece of social content I am producing, it’s important to me that the stories are all anchored in perseverance and purpose. I grew up with a refugee father who was a prisoner of the Vietnam war, and he always reminded me that I “have one life to live.” So if that really is the case, why not live it in ways that fill my cup. That’s what I try to do and I hope others are motivated to do the same when they visit my platforms.

What’s your personal style mantra/philosophy?

It has to feel good.

Happy Lunar New Year! What’s your favourite thing about this time of year—and how do you celebrate with family and friends?

Lunar New Year is always a cherished time with my family, and it’s been really special and joy giving to see more celebrations pop up with friends over the years! On the family side, my parents and I always spend a day with my grandmother in her nursing home, and over LNY weekend, we’ll get together with extended family for events and traditional meals—many of them! With friends, we usually dress up for a fancy event and have a dim sum catchup. It really comes down to time spent together in pants that have a lot of give!

It’s the Year of the Snake: what animal sign were you born under?


What are your wishes for the New Year?

The snake is associated with several meanings but what speaks to me on a personal level this year is the symbolic idea of transformation. As a host, producer and content creator, I’m flexing my creative juices a little differently this year by producing an event to support teens and teachers on thoughtful tech use. I’m nervous because it’s a new endeavour but the excitement really trumps that at the end of the day.  I’m really looking forward to sharing more!

What’s your top gift/product pick for Lunar Lunar New Year 2025?

I was never the first in line for Barbiecon anything during the most recent Barbie era, but I have to say the limited-edition Barbie Lunar New Year doll is gorgeous! It’s styled in a beautiful Qipao Dress with Plum Blossom Prints and the details are just delicious! The Joe Fresh x RepresentAsian Project collaboration is also really fun.  The baby onesie takes the cake—so cute!


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