As we grow older, our skin shows the natural signs of aging. While some individuals embrace this change gracefully, others seek ways and means to regain their youthful appearance.
These days, there are a number of innovative non-surgical treatment options that promise a quick facelift to defy the effects of aging.
Apart from boosting self-confidence, facelifts reduce wrinkles by addressing the signs of aging on the face and the neck. While facial sagging is normal, a non-surgical facelift can prolong the process.
This blog will reveal some age-defying secrets by guiding you to non-surgical procedures like dermal fillers and threads. Remember to consult a qualified doctor to determine the approach most suitable for you.
Understanding dermal fillers
Dermal fillers are a gel-like substance that can help restore facial volume and lift the tiny pads on the face for a long-lasting effect.
Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid and tiny sugar molecules that are tightly linked with each other. Due to the links the sugar molecules become a gel which causes the lifting effect.
Dermal fillers are actually injectable substances which can enhance facial volume with just a few precise injections to see immediate results without the downtime for surgery.
Other key benefits include smoothing wrinkles, augmenting the lips and cheeks and an immediate visible impact after treatment.
Types of dermal fillers include cheek filler,lip filler,jawline filler and smile line filler.
Tiny needles are used to penetrate different layers of the skin for forming micro-channels to boost collagen production using certain serums and skincare products.
Morepheus8, on the other hand, is an advanced technique of microneedling, which uses radio frequency with the microneedling techniques for enhanced healing response.
Chemical peels
Another popular non-surgical anti-aging treatment is using chemical peels to remove the upper layer of the skin to help promote collagen production to deliver a smooth and soft skin in an instant.
Since chemical peels are like skin exfoliants, they impart a blemish-free and flawless skin tone depending on your skin condition and desired outcomes.
Liquid Rhinoplasty
Liquid rhinoplasty is the perfect option for those who do not wish to undergo surgical procedure, either because of the nature of their job or those who require only a minor change to the shape of their nose.
Moreover, liquid rhinoplasty needs minimum recover time and can be redone if any refinement is needed in the future.
This is also referred to as the “ lunchtime procedure”, as it only takes around fifteen to twenty minutes to complete.
Forma Laser
This is a kind of advanced FDA-approved treatment method that uses both heat and radio frequency to boost collagen and elastin production.
A heated wand is used up and down the face, like an iron to give the desired lifting effect and improve facial appearance.
Forma is excellent for reducing fine lines, age spots, hyperpigmentation in order to achieve a youthful looking appearance.
To conclude
Non-surgical methods of anti-aging are more sought after not only because they give instant results, but can be redone whenever required till the desirable goals are achieved.
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