Welcome to The Mom Flow, where I share things that are on my mind in the hopes of helping you connect to your Mom Flow. Thanks for being here! —Erin Sousa
I have been married for 11 years in August and before that, we were best friends, then dating for a total of 7… so, ya, we know each other real well. We love each other. We built a life together. Argued, a lot. Loved, a lot. Cried together more times than I can count. We’ve been through some of the hardest times in life humans can go through. But yet, there are small things that we can never align on and might drive us pretty darn crazy on the day to day… I’m sure he could make his own long list. But this is not called The Dad Flow, so here I go.

The Irish Exit
I will never, I repeat, never, stop the evening of a host to announce my departure. I’m not that important. They don’t care. My husband on the other hand, will track them down and proceed to have a nice long chat as he says goodbye while I shoot him death glares.
Cheese may be my forever Valentine. I don’t think there are many things better than a meal that has at least one source of cheese in it, and the more the better. He only eats the most plastic-y cheese slices (not processed, the ones that are pre-sliced and have zero taste/have gone hard disk level of hard… shudder). Parmesan is his nightmare, and my dream. How can this marriage work?!
The Correct Bedtime
The only answer is with plenty of time to do a deep TikTok scroll before passing out well before midnight. He on the other hand sneaks into the room at 12:15am and proceeds to hang out on his phone for a bit. I actually cannot. In all seriousness I would much prefer we get into bed at the same time… so we can lay beside each other and scroll together
Using the Big Lights
It’s actually abnormal the level of rage I feel enter my body when I see overhead lights on. Oh, and will he put them on. Like, every single one, at all times. Even better if he’s not in the room when said light is on. If I sound like I’m gritting my teeth when I’m writing this, you’d be correct. Dimmers and lamps is the only correct source of light.
Eating Old Bread
The bread has to be fresh or I don’t want it. Exceptions only for croutons or French toast. He can eat freezer bread (un-toasted!) like it ain’t no thang… and if it’s been on the counter for 5 days, also approved. This is insane behaviour.
Keeping The Blinds Open
Do our blinds need to be down and drawn all day and night year round? We have windows, could we enjoy them, please? His parents are the same so I can’t blame him but like, no one cares, no one is watching you… or are they?
The Way Pancakes Should be
For the love of good, pancakes are delish. But only when made a certain way. No vanilla. Nice and crispy, and definitely not too thick. He on the other hand likes them thick, barely cooked, and with an entire cup of vanilla extract. BUT, like, I’m still grateful he made them.
Packing a Suitcase
There is a right and wrong way to pack a suitcase. The right way is fast, lumping it all in, and getting it done ASAP. The wrong way is to overthink, fold to perfection, and making sure you do it until 2am the night before a trip! Yes, he repacks mine sometimes and I’m not mad at it (hashtag spoiled).
There’s more! Keep reading this week’s edition of The Mom Flow by Erin Sousa; subscribe for free to receive new posts and support her work, here!
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