Lifestyle & Parenting

The Mom Flow: The Formula I Use To Make Scary Moves In Business & Life

March 16, 2025

Welcome to The Mom Flow, where I share things that are on my mind in the hopes of helping you connect to your Mom Flow. Thanks for being here! —Erin Sousa

I had an amazing week with my sister visiting. She was here for a full week kid-free and I treated her the way any big sis would. I go full big sis mode when she’s here. Facials, meals out, spa, pedicure, just hosting her so she could relax a bit. I loved seeing her with Lola and she even put her to bed a few times so that was a treat for me. We had a work photoshoot, if you don’t know, we run MILA, a marketing education brand together and worked a ton. OK, now that we are all caught up, let’s get into this week’s Mom Flow, shall we?!

Recently, a friend of mine, who was in a very high-power, high-profile and high-stress job just quit. This came as a surprise to me, because while we, in the past, had many conversations over long lunches (yes, we fit those in from time to time!) about the stress of her job, and how it was impacting her on all levels, it was only passing convo. She’s a mom of two, and I know she wanted more balance. I was so damn proud of her. Why? Because it’s so hard to look at a situation and find the bravery to take a stance and make a change for so many reasons: fear, uncertainty, money, ego… but also, sometimes you just don’t know if it’s the right decision.

There is so much pressure on us moms to work hard, be the best mom, look great, have active social lives… to sometimes be the breadwinner. This is both the pressure we put on ourselves, but somehow societal also. Deciding which path to take, what to prioritize, and ultimately, what the life we want to live is not an easy thing to navigate, especially in these modern times. Somehow, we always feel like we’re getting it wrong. We’re waiting for permission. Worried what others will think. Did I nail it?

I recently made a big decision about my business and also about my personal health that have both been a long time coming – these are things that the universe has tapped me on the shoulder about quite a few times. I’ve never felt ready. But working through it in this way that I’m sharing with you here really helped me get to the edge and jumping (like last year when we somehow bought our new house!).

Feeling like I’m on the edge of failing, but doing it anyway means I’m on the right path. Fearful and doing it anyway is the vibe.

Remember, stuck is not a permanent phase and you get to change your life if you want to.

Don’t tell anyone

Hear me out—I’m all about doing the inner work to process my feelings first because knowing my own opinion before letting outside voices in is so important. Sometimes, this takes months. It’s a slow, internal rumble—one where you’re manifesting, picturing it, sitting with your feelings, and writing things down. But the best part? Clarifying what truly makes you happy. That’s where the magic happens—it’s empowering, and it makes every next step feel that much clearer.

A pros and cons list

This might sound a little… hokey, but trust me—it’s anything but. Seeing everything laid out in black and white is a game-changer. It forces you to really reflect on your why, clarify your values, and break things down on a deeper level. It’s not just a tool—it’s a mindset shift.

Speak it out loud

Now’s the time. Talking through a situation with a close friend or partner can make it feel way less overwhelming. The people who know you best often see things from a perspective you haven’t considered, helping you break it down in a way that actually makes sense. Plus, it’s a great way to get comfortable putting the idea out into the world.

Get ok with the worst case scenario

The what-if’s are important to untangle. What if I lost every single revenue stream? What if I tried and failed? Playing out the worst-case scenario always helps me get comfortable with taking big risks—because once I face it, that leap feels a lot less scary.

️Simplify it

When you’re in it, it’s hard to see the how. Emotions complicate everything. But when you strip away the noise and heaviness and focus on the facts, that’s where clarity starts—though it’s also the hardest part. Whenever I’ve faced a big decision, I’ve reached out to someone I trust and simply said, “I need help working through these thoughts. Can you help me?” Letting someone in at that level can feel humbling, even uncomfortable. But speaking to a trusted person—someone who knows you well and won’t judge—gives you a clearer, more unbiased perspective on the best path forward.

Weekly reminders

This is a new weekly column that I’m sharing what we probably all need a little reminder about. I know I do.

  1. Get the bloodwork done and figure your shit out. Book the mammogram. Press for the care you need. Like seriously, there is nothing more important.
  2. Love is Blind can only be watched if you fast forward 65% of it. OK, maybe 80%.
  3. Dust your car. It is the easiest way to make it feel fresh and clean when it’s not.

There’s more! Keep reading this week’s edition of The Mom Flow by Erin Sousa; subscribe for free to receive new posts and support her work, here!


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