As we kiss 2013 goodbye, we’re sharing our favourite games, superstitions and traditions for the night before the new year. Here’s to a happy, safe and fun-filled 2014. See you next year!
My tradition is a new one this year: celebrating New Years Day with an afternoon party (complete with Bloody Mary bar) and babysitters. We used to celebrate New Year’s Eve on Toronto or even London time but have finally given up on midnight. When we were kids we used to hang out the 4th floor bedroom window and bang pots and pans at midnight – not sure how that would go down with the neighbours these days! —Sarah Bancroft, Editor-in-chief
I’m sure I heard this in a movie, but who you kiss at midnight will be the person you kiss all year. Choose wisely! —Maria Tallarico, Managing Editor
This New Year’s Eve I am asking (read: forcing) my friends to play charades. We used to do it as a family when I was a child, and I feel like it is a tradition I want to start again. Hopefully all the excitement and jumping up and down trying to act out movies will keep us awake so we can ring in the New Year at midnight – for the first time in three years.—Alexandra Suhner Isenberg, Fashion Editor
This New Year’s Eve make sure you take the trash out so last year’s garbage isn’t lingering and pay any bills before the clock strikes midnight for a fresh start to 2014. —Sara Samson, Calgary Editor
The Apples to Apples for grown-ups, Cards Against Humanity is not for the politically correct. This party game is incredibly simple: pair your best white card with the black ‘fill in the blank’ or ‘question’ card. Find out which friends or family members are the most inappropriate, witty, funny and down for a good time. Download the printable cards at —Kate LeGresley, Digital Marketing Manager
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