Lifestyle & Parenting

The New Tech-Free Must-Have in Your Kid’s Toy Collection

November 15, 2018

Momming ain’t easy, which is why we’re tickled pink to be partnering with BoredBox—the first-of-its-kind portable accessories box designed to keep kids happy and entertained when you’re on-the-go, screen-free!


We’ve all been there: trying to chat with a girlfriend over lunch with the kids in tow, taking an important call while your rugrats are arguing in the backseat or waiting at the doctor’s office not-so-patiently for an appointment that’s running 30 minutes late … those moments when your children need to be entertained but you don’t always want to pass them the phone or tablet. Created by two Canadian mompreneurs, BoredBox is the only trick you need up your sleeve when your kids have had too much screen-time but you’ve still got a ton of things to check off your to-do list. Beautifully designed, this fully self-contained portable carry case of creativity includes a magnetized chalkboard, chalk-markers, pencils, a colouring roll and two canisters packed with fun and engaging activities for your little ones, no matter where you happen to be.

That said, we’re excited to be supporting, from now until November 30th, an Indiegogo campaign for BoredBox, to raise the funds needed to get this innovative product off the ground. If you’re looking for meaningful, creative play ideas that never get boring, check out BoredBox and pre-order yours at exclusive early-bird rates and offers you don’t want to miss out on. More deets @boredboxforme! —Vita Daily


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