Health & Beauty

Acne Away (Win! A $149 Silk’n Blue Acne Treatment Device!)

September 28, 2018

From problem teenage skin to monthly breakouts to annoying adult pimples, acne is simply no fun. And, with September being Acne Awareness Month, we thought we’d shed a little (blue) light on a new high-tech solution.


The Silk’n Blue acne treatment device offers a safe, drug-free and effective way to combat the root causes of existing and future acne. This home-use device is recommended by dermatologists and clinically proven to be effective in resolving acne flare-ups. It does it by harnessing the synergistic power of natural blue light and dermal heating to produce visible, lasting results. The blue light first neutralizes acne-causing bacteria. Once neutralized, the device treats the bacteria with infrared heat. This dermal heating penetrates through the entire thickness of the skin drying the sebaceous glands, which overproduce oil when enlarged.

Recommended for people with problematic, recurring acne who want to discontinue their use of topical treatments, Shannon L. of Burlington, Ontario, won a Silk’n Blue of her very own! Congrats Shannon! —Vita Daily


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