Lifestyle & Parenting

Mom-fluencer: Keisha Johnson

May 4, 2019

This May, we’re honouring motherhood by chatting with some of our favourite mom bloggers, influencers and content creators about the highs, the lows and the many moments in-between. —Vita Daily

keisha johnson

Hi Keisha! Tell us a little bit about you and what do you do!?

Well, I like to dabble in a few things. First and foremost I’m a mom to two little ones, Owen, 10, and Ella, four. Married to my high-school sweetheart, Drew. We both met where we are from in Nova Scotia and moved to the West Coast. I’m a certified esthetician, also specializing in pregnancy massage! But as of now … I’m a full-time influencer. I love what I do. With that, I enjoy being creative and building collaborations. Writing, speaking at events and photography. It has been a big love for me so I’ve been trying to find more time to invest into that!

How do you use your platform to impact other moms—and parents—who follow you?

Ooohhh, I love using my platform to meet other parents. It fuels me every day. I started blogging after a jolt of postpartum anxiety after having my daughter. As a way to heal I started to journal, which led to blogging. It was so powerful for me. Being able to connect with other moms who went through/going through the same things. I felt so much relief knowing I wasn’t alone in this. From there I continue to connect and build relationships near and far. It’s certainly become a very special thing for me! I love meeting new friends and hearing their stories.

What’s your personal style/beauty mantra?

Anything that makes my heart flutter! I love style and of course trying new beauty products. I try to keep everything very moderate and laid back but I also like to play with light feminine looks. Now having a daughter of my own, it’s been very fun to dress up with her and play with styles that are normally a little too bold for me. She really helps me have fun and of course feel pretty! I love to make sure to share with her the beauty in everything and to find what style feels right for you.

What would the Mother’s Day of your fantasies be? And what, in reality, does Mother’s Day usually look like at your house?

Well, as mothers I find it so funny how we crave for that time away and as soon as we break free we miss them so dearly. Ideally, the dream, a full day at a really beautiful relaxing spa and the night to a bed alone! No one kicking me in my sleep or stealing my half of the bed! Mother’s Day in our home, I love. It’s your typical Mother’s Day: sleep in with coffee in bed. Handmade cards from the kids, no errands, no chores and take out for dinner.

Did motherhood come easy to you, or were there challenges (if so, any in particular you’d like to share)?

I found with each new baby came new challenges, with our first we were young and broke. Being away from home and our family was very hard but we managed and everything worked out. Then with our second being more financially stable we came across new challenges like colic and PPA. It’s very ironic how with different stages or motherhood we find new challenges. Now with 10 we have some pre-teen and sassy stages going on. But again, finding our path through this journey!

The hardest thing about being a mom? The best thing?

The feeling of uncertainty in parenting. There’s no rule book or guideline to follow so we’re always questioning ourselves as parents. Like are we doing this right? And of course the overwhelming sense of guilt from time to time. But the best things always out weigh the good and it’s always those little moments of hearing your child say, “I love you Mommy,” or when you watch them grow and their little personalities do something that make you feel proud. You suddenly feel that relief that maybe you are doing things right!

Follow Keisha on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and her blog.


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