Lifestyle & Parenting

Mom On Set

April 11, 2020

We caught up with Vancouver actress and director Aubrey Arnason to chat about some of the new projects (including a bun in the oven) she has on the go! —Vita Daily

aubrey arnason

Hi Aubrey! Please tell us a bit about yourself to start.

I am an actress, film and TV director and a mom of a two-year-old boy. You can follow our adventures on Instagram, as I love sharing the circus that is our day-to-day. I live in Vancouver with Langston and his dad.

Fill us in on this Apple TV series, Home Before Dark, that you play a part in (and also about your role).

I play the part of Dr. Lucy Fife on the Apple TV series Home Before Dark. Created by Dana Fox and Dara Resnik, it stars nine-year-old Brooklyn Prince (The Florida Project, The Turning). It’s a mystery series that is perfect viewing during this isolation period as it’s a great escape while being really heartwarming. Inspired by the real-life journalism of Hilde Lysiak, who broke a murder case in her hometown at only nine years of age. My role is an exciting one as I’m connected to a major crimes Hilde investigates. That’s all I can say but I hope you enjoy!

And how about the Reel One Entertainment movie of the week, Remembering Love, that you are directing? What’s the status of that?

Remembering Love is currently postponed until the social-distancing measures are lifted due to COVID-19. It’s a rom com inspired by some of the classic rom coms from the 1990s, with some very whimsical elements I can’t wait to shoot.

We understand you are also pregnant! Congrats! So what is it like working in film as a woman and a mom? Does that happen often?

I am 30 weeks pregnant! Working in film and TV as a mom has its challenges as the days on set are very long, so sometimes you won’t see your child at all. One of the benefits is that most film projects have start and end dates that span a fews day/weeks, and once wrapped I get windows of time to be back home with my son. I don’t know the exact statistics on pregnant women directing in film and TV, I do know it’s rare. I’m so excited to be given the opportunity to direct a movie while expecting; hopefully I inspire others so that it happens more often in the future. I believe it’s something that more women need to know is possible.

How has the COVID-19 crisis changed things for you, professionally?

Remembering Love was postponed during pre-production and, like the rest of the world, we wait to see when it will be safe to film again. The same is true for acting work; a couple productions I was working on are currently postponed. I am still writing and developing some film and TV projects, but being home with my boys means I may not have as many hours to focus as before COVID-19. I’m about to set up a virtual table read of a feature script I’m attached to direct; I have never done that before so I’m excited to see how that goes.

And how has it impacted your pregnancy?

I’m finding that being isolated makes it more difficult to stay active during this third trimester. I also have some concerns around what the state of the hospital will be come time to birth the baby! I believe in the medical system and an confident it will all be great but there are concerns that pop in into my mind. I’m so glad that everyone in B.C. is taking social distancing so seriously and believe we’ll see great results soon.

Any tips for other working/pro moms out there, or pregnant women, on staying positive/hopeful/sane during this time?

I find there two things are really help me stay positive during this time: the first is continuing to work on the projects that have been postponed and the second is virtually connecting with people about future projects. Despite knowing exactly when we will work again, I find planning for those days keeps me motivated and inspired. It’s challenging with a toddler home all the time but I am working with his dad to make sure I carve out that time. The second thing I am doing is planning FaceTime/Zoom parties with different groups of friends; it so great to have some laughs and feel connected to the people you love during this time. My tip for pregnant women would be to get excited about the arrival of your little one. When I’m feeling overwhelmed by it all I look at baby name lists and remind myself that magical things are on the horizon.


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