Lifestyle & Parenting

Why The Great Conjunction Could Mean A Better Year Ahead

December 21, 2020

Today, December 21st, 2020, marks the Great Conjunction—a rare occurrence when the two largest planets in our solar system (Jupiter and Saturn) will appear to “meet” in the sky. Not only is this a sight to behold (grab your telescope!) but, this year, it’s also significant from an astrological perspective.

According to Co-Star Astrology, Jupiter is known as a social planet, ruling optimism, idealism and expansion. Saturn represents the other side of the coin, ruling limitation, structure, fears and self-discipline. In other words, if Jupiter is your fun boss, Saturn is a bit more stern and the co-existence of both can lead to a power struggle. A conjunction is linked to leaving behind the idea of “this is how we’ve always done it” and going forth to a period of tremendous growth, whether it be culturally or economically.

So what makes the 2020 conjunction so “great”? The Great Conjunction is truly a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, marking the closest Jupiter and Saturn have been in almost 800 years—so close that, in some parts of the world, observers will be able to see the two planets “kiss.” Astrology experts translate this event to a major shift in cosmic energy.

According to astrologer Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV, this is connected to a significant shift of power and has been linked to the fall and rise of royalty. We are about to embark on the Age of Aquarius (also our fave Broadway number, from Hair), where Jupiter and Saturn will align with the sign of Aquarius for the first time in nearly 400 years, leaving the earth sign Capricorn. This may seem a bit complex to follow but think of it this way: Capricorn is an earth sign rooted in traditionalism and a more authoritative voice, whereas Aquarius is an air sign rooted in collective well-being and innovation … a much needed voice for the future.

If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that collective well-being and a spotlight on humanitarian issues is now the norm. Out with the old, in with the new; the Great Conjunction is an ideal time for you to start a new passion project, change careers or be open to new opportunities and connections that may come your way. No matter what your sun sign is, the Great Conjunction promises growth for those willing to step outside their comfort zone.

Quoting one of our favourite pop stars (we see your recent engagement, Ariana Grande): I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it. —Vicki Duong


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