Lifestyle & Parenting

Tune Into Myles Sexton’s New Podcast: Our Private Bits

July 20, 2023

One of our favourite content creators, Myles Sexton, (read about them here and here!) has launched a new podcast with their fiancé, Tyler Austin, and we have devoured the three episodes that are already available (Myles and Tyler, please make more, fast!). Each week on Our Private Bits, Myles and Tyler will explore the depths of their relationship by sharing candid reflections on the obstacles they’ve faced and the invaluable lessons they’ve learned along the way. We chatted with the podcasting pair to learn more. —Vita Daily

Hi Myles and Tyler! Please tell us a bit about yourselves to start.

Tyler, He/Him: I am a 35-year-old trans man who transitioned when I was 15. I currently work in the railway industry as a track protection training supervisor. When I am not at work, I am getting back into being more involved and focusing on being a positive role model for other trans individuals, to break stereotypes and prove that it does get better. Besides being heavily tattooed and always looking for an adventure, I enjoy quality time with Myles … even if it is them putting me in fashion-forward outfits for the views!

Myles, They/Them: I am a nonbinary content creator and an HIV/Aids and sobriety advocate. I also work as an on-air fashion expert and stylist, on the Cityline

When did the idea for your new Our Private Bits podcast start to simmer, and why?

Myles: The podcast really started to simmer over a year ago as I really started to build my advocate series online and felt very limited by the 60-second max that I could create within Tiktok or IG for it to perform well. I really wanted to get into deeper conversations! As well, Tyler and I really felt that, with the rise of 2SLGBTQIA + hate around the world, it was important to be positive trans voices for our community. 

The podcast has launched (congrats!), with three episodes available already. What are your first few discussions about?

Episode one really is about coming out and how as queer people we are constantly coming out in our lifetimes. The episode also includes a lot of personal stories about Tyler’s transition in his childhood. The second episode is answering one of our most fan-asked questions around how we met and got together. In the third episode, we discuss the murky topic of disclosure—revealing your status or identity to a partner, medical professional and even at a place like the airport—and our personal experiences with that.

Myles, you are already very open about your personal story on social media, but Tyler has mainly been behind the scenes till now. Tyler, what does sharing your voice and experience on the podcast feel like, and what do you hope to accomplish by taking your turn in the so-called spotlight?

It honestly feels really good! When I first transitioned I was very involved within the community and queer youth community. When I found myself needing to branch outside of the community to find myself and who I was, I stepped away from a lot of the spotlight in that sense. Then, having a career in such a masculine field, I just didn’t need to be so publicly out. However in being with Myles and watching them grow and be such a positive role model and all of their support to really open up and start sharing their story, it has been the best full-circle moment I could ask for. We lose sight of the bigger picture when we need to focus on ourselves and I am ready to get back to being the voice for those who don’t have one, and visible for those who can’t be.

What topics do you hope to tackle together and separately in the future, on the podcast?

The podcast is going to hit so many subjects around sexual health, harm reduction, mental health, relationships, sexuality, shame and so much more! 

Who do you hope to have on, in terms of guests?

Right now it’s going to be just myself and Tyler, but guests shall be a big surprise! 

Who do you hope to reach/touch/teach through the podcast? Are you open to feedback/questions from listeners? If so, how can they get in touch?

Tyler: I just hope that our listeners can take away that coming from a place of love and being open when learning will only continue to help create change, especially when they have further conversations with other individuals out in the world.

Myles: We are really hoping to reach people who want to learn more and really want to help fight stigma! We are in this moment of trying to make this world a more inclusive place and we really hope that this podcast can do just that! People can def ask us questions for podcast episodes, on IG and Tiktok


  1. mattea sexton

    July 20th, 2023 at 11:50 am

    I love the podcast!!!

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