Travel & Culture

3 Tropical Wellness Retreats For A More Embodied Life

December 13, 2023

If you’ve ever felt like your life has become an endless to-do list, that you’re moving through your  day-to-day taking care of all the things, fulfilling endless obligations that you don’t necessarily even care about, feeling disconnected, task mastering (you get the picture) well … it may be time for an alignment check-in. As we move into 2024, the most important question you can ask yourself is: what do I want to embody? Embodiment is about shifting away from doing and into being. Embodiment is the key to living aligned, it’s a practice and it’s how we discover the peace and deep fulfilment we desire. If you’re ready to live your most aligned and embodied life as we look ahead to beginning a new year, here are four upcoming wellness retreats that I’d highly recommend. 

Head + Heart x Panama is an invitation to support yourself in receiving what you’re ready to embody on all levels. If you’re burnt out or feeling pulled in too many directions, this beautiful week-long adventure to Panama at the stunning Sansara Resort invites you to come into deep inner alignment. Includes morning yoga, guided breathwork, 1:1 Intuitive Readings by Jaime Zajac to support clarity on your path, a Cacao ceremony with Natalia DeDiego, and tons of time to rest and explore the beautiful culture of Panama. Expect to emerge reconnected and fully embodied. Details here. 

The Inner Light Retreat with Angela Prider takes you to Oaxaca Mexico for five nights offering an inspiring, nourishing, creative container infused with two Deep Dive ceremonies to open consciousness, one Forest-Cacao ceremony, and a traditional Temezcal ceremony. This retreat includes Angela’s Animist soul processes, somatic embodiment and dance, as well as integration practices. Details here.

The Full moon retreat with Zen Den Meditation invites you to Bali, Indonesia for one beautiful week of experiences. This retreat is for anyone who’s fed up with trying to please everyone, who’s been dealing with heartbreak, or itching to break free from the same old routine and rediscover your true self. This retreat includes sound healing, reiki, breathwork and yoga, and is happening May 18-24 in Bali. Details here. 

If a retreat is calling you, the options above all include great facilitators, and beautiful locations. And if you’re looking for support on your embodiment path from the comfort of your own home, explore how breathwork, energy healing or an Akashic Reading, can help you reconnect with your most aligned self.  

Written by Monica Krake, certified Breathwork Practitioner and founder of Head + Heart, your guide to living aligned. 


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