Lifestyle & Parenting

The Mom Flow: Wardrobe Updates That Feel Stylish But Aren’t Micro-Trend Cringe

February 23, 2025

Welcome to The Mom Flow, where I share things that are on my mind in the hopes of helping you connect to your Mom Flow. Thanks for being here! —Erin Sousa

We had a great chat about micro-trends on IG this week and so many of you have been feeling similar to me: exhausted with it. Micro-trends make us feel irrelevant just out of style. They are impossible to keep up with and I’m just a big no on them. I get it, we want to feel ‘with it’. I now I do like a little wardrobe update. But I also know that I’m not dumping my money into a never ending cycle of never feeling good enough and looking like everyone else. I love personal style and following people whose opinion and taste I trust – I hope to do that with this post, to give you a little fashion curation of the on-trend basics I have recently added to my rotation to freshen things up. Some that I have had in rotation for ages, yet still do the trick. And some take me back to grade 7, like the fabric headbands in the pic I juuust snapped for you above. Also, it hides grey roots and second day hair like a charm.

There’s more! Keep reading this week’s edition of The Mom Flow by Erin Sousa; subscribe for free to receive new posts and support her work, here!


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