If there is the faintest glimmer of life in something, rescue it youre
bound to be able to find use for it somewhere. Think of your home as a
delicious experiment, write Sally and Mark Bailey in their book Recycled
Working on that principle, the folks at Smash
have littered a 4,500-square-foot Junction space with abandoned
furniture, old signage, oddball antiques and industrial bits and bobs.
Oak grain measures make great buckets for soggy umbrellas while
weathered windows can be easily turned into charming chalkboards for
your kitchen.
Look out for fabulous vintage kitchen utensils, fireplaces, clocks, iron
works and more. And if you can think of a creative use for a 1970s candy
dispenser ($3,000) let us know.
Smash, 2880 Dundas St. W., Toronto, 416-762-3113, www.smash.to
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