Founded in 2007, Earth Hour sees residents of more than 7,000 cities worldwide flicking the “off” switch as a symbol of their commitment to sustainability. This Saturday, March 29th, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., we’ll be showing our support and saving some energy. But, deprived of electronics and optimal visibility, what exactly should one do in those 60 eco-friendly minutes?
star gaze: Wrap up your Pendleton blanket, fill a flask with whiskey, grab your pals (and maybe some cookies) and head to the park—or even your building’s rooftop—to get better acquainted with the universe. Constellation naming and existentialism not required, but certainly encouraged.
smudge: Yeah, it’s a little Wiccan, but if you’ve got an hour to burn may as well rid the ol’ domicile of negative vibes while you’re at it. Whole Foods sells bundles of smudging sage for around $5; light yours, blow out the flame and slowly walk the smoky bundle around your home, cleansin’ energies and chanting your truth (as one does).
snuggle: Obviously. Also, may we suggest you take this opportunity to look into Saumarez Lingerie? The U.K.-based company makes super-decadent underpinnings from low-impact and recycled fabrics—perfect for the lady looking to reduce her carbon footprint and turn her man to jelly in one fell swoop.
Happy Earth Hour!
—Adrienne Matei
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