Where would we be without moms? Not in existence, that’s for sure. So, when May 11th rolls around (it’s this Sunday, people), give the lady who made you some extra-special appreciation with our top picks for fun stuff you and mom can do together this Mother’s Day (also, buy some tulips—moms love tulips).
brunch: Market by Jean-Georges has a special brunch menu going on: Korean fried chicken with buttermilk biscuits, grilled steelhead salad with carrot-ginger dressing and buttermilk panna cotta. Imagine you and mom, clicking mimosas, being asked if you’re sisters. Market by Jean-Georges, 1115 Alberni St., Vancouver, 604-695-1115, www.marketbyjgvancouver.com
browse: Blim’s Market carries cool, unusual local products (you know how much moms like those). Swing by this Sunday between noon and 6 p.m. to browse Jack & Audrey’s organic beauty products (lime-scented soap wrapped in wildflower-seed paper), handmade stationery and chocolate. Notice what mom’s cooing over and snap it up when her back’s turned. Boom. (Bonus: Free swag bags for the first 20 moms.) Blim’s Market, @ Astorino’s (Venables & Commercial), Vancouver, http://blim.ca
beautify: Book an indulgent afternoon at Spa on the Rocks that leaves you and mom looking your best. A diamond-tipped microdermabrasion facial comes with a cool algae masque (the kind you peel off in one big piece, a.k.a., weirdly, the best thing ever) and leaves your skin all soft and glowy. Get a hand and foot massage, then pop into Gravity Pope across the street for new shoes (you treat her, or she treats you). Spa on the Rocks, 2200 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver, V6K 2N8, 604-734-3533, www.spaontherocks.ca
Whatever you do, have a sweet time hanging out together. Happy Mother’s Day! —Adrienne Matei
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