Lifestyle & Parenting

5 Things We Love About Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau

October 30, 2015

She’s gorgeous, charming—and married to the Prime Minister of Canada. Click through the slideshow below to find out why we have a major girl crush on the forty-year-old Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau. — Krystin Tysire


She’s one smart cookie.

By Vitamin Daily

Mrs. Trudeau originally wanted to become a stockbroker (like her father) but switched to study radio and television at l’Université de Montréal. Good choice because it landed her a gig as Quebec’s cultural reporter for CTV’s etalk in 2005.

  • She’s active.

    By Vitamin Daily

    Like us, she loves a good yoga sesh. Sophie’s a certified Hatha yoga instructor, specializing in children’s yoga (which we like to imagine her doing with her and Justin’s three adorable kids).

  • She’s a kind spirit.

    By Vitamin Daily

    For thirteen years Sophie’s been a passionate advocate for women’s issues including Aboriginal women’s rights and eating disorders (which she’s struggled with herself).

  • She made her man work a little.

    By Vitamin Daily

    When Justin first asked her out Sophie played it cool—and made him choose the restaurant (a cosy Ethiopian joint).

  • She has an eye for style.

    By Vitamin Daily

    Sophie collaborated with designers to create her wedding gown for her  2006 nuptials to Justin. The ecru confection was embroidered with lace  motifs and featured a stunning long veil. Could Sophie be Canada’s Jackie O? We think so.


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