
Choose Your Own Chocolate Adventure

September 22, 2017

Remember Willy Wonka? Well, he’s baaack, and better (i.e., more high tech) than ever!


Wonderbly, the company behind the genius (though we still don’t quite get how it worked—maybe one day our kid will explain it to us) personalized children’s book Lost My Name, is now launching, in collab with the Roald Dahl Literary Estate, My Golden Ticket, which is a magical new Wonka experience where no two adventures are the same (show us a traditional library book that can claim that!).


It is, essentially, a personalized journey that makes every wee reader a Golden Ticket holder (emblazoned on their own unique candy bar), and invites them to take a uniquely unforgettable journey visiting the candy rooms in that oh-so-famous chocolate factory—some of which have never been seen before, taken from Mr. Dahl’s original notes (we personally can’t wait to dip our virtual fingers in that chocolate river!). And all you, as a perhaps not-as-tech-savvy-as-the-next-gen adult, have to do, is visit the website, type in your child’s name, select gender, choose your desired book-y format (hardcover or soft), type a dedication and, if the kid in you like, even insert yourself into the book. Your kidd-o will marvel at the personalization they see—not to mention, the magical, tasty trip they get to take!

Choose your own chocolate adventure? We’re in! —Noa Nichol



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