Lifestyle & Parenting

World Sight Day Yay!

October 11, 2018

Today, October 11th, is World Sight Day, and we’ve set our peepers on a couple of seriously "specs"-tacular initiatives by some of our favourite beauty and fashion brands! —Noa Nichol


herbal essences. For the first time ever, Herbal Essences will debut new shampoo and conditioner bottles (on all Herbal Essences bio:renew shampoo and conditioner bottles beginning January 2019) with an etched design to improve the usage experience. The recognizable system will help consumers distinguish shampoo and conditioner bottles from each other through the sense of touch, without relying on vision in the shower. For something used every day, like shampoo, this is monumental for those who lack the ability of sight!

ollie quinn. For those without regular income or insurance coverage, clear vision can become an unaffordable luxury, but Ollie Quinn and The Eyeglasses Project want to change that, teaming up to provide eye exams and prescription glasses to marginalized Vancouverites on October 23rd at Carnegie Community Centre on the city’s east end. OQ’s eye-care pros will donate their time and expertise to provide sight tests and glasses fittings, and patients in need of prescription specs will receive them free of charge!


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