Lifestyle & Parenting

Your Fitness Resolution Shouldn’t Be to Lose Weight

January 7, 2019

As we dive into the month of resolutions, meeting health and fitness goals remains the most popular New Year’s resolution for 2019. While getting a bikini body may be top of mind, we’re teaming up with our friends at Steve Nash Fitness World and Sports Clubs (SNFC) to place the focus less on losing weight and more squarely on creating fitness goals that can positively impact our mental health, happiness and quality of life. Read our eye-opening interview with SNFC CEO Chris Smith, below, and feel free to adust your fitness resolutions accordingly! —Noa Nichol


Fitness has got to be one of (if not the) most popular resolutions for the New Year. Why do you think that is?

I think that people see their personal fitness and health as something that is important to them—it is the only thing you truly own. It is something that people think about with regularity, and each year it becomes increasingly important to add into a person’s daily life.

Further, what "mistakes" do you think people make when creating their fitness resolutions for the New Year?

Many people try to do too much too fast. Health and fitness should be considered a lifelong journey, not a short-term sprint. Absolutely you should see results within the first month of entering into a new program or embarking on a new training style, but the long-term results can not be achieved in the short term.

How does or can a fitness club, like SNFC, participate or act as a partner in people’s fitness resolutions, and contribute to the long-term success of those goals?

We really subscribe to our goal assessment process where we meet with the individual to understand their goals, lifestyle and time constraints so that we can create a customized program that is tailored to their specific needs. We would evaluate the food intake, cardio, flexibility, resistance training and professional assistance necessary to accomplish one’s goal in the fastest and safest manner possible. When we tie all of these pieces together, we create a platform for sustainable and long-term lifestyle changes.

Besides a better body, how else can fitness resolutions make a positive impact on our lives and overall (holistic) health?

There are so many studies on mental health and activity being related, alongside the reduction of disease, obesity and general enhancement of quality of life. It’s also good to constantly goal set and then embark on those goals. Healthy body, healthy mind, which will result in a healthy approach to whatever challenges you face.

What has been one of your absolute favourite success stories when it comes to fitness resolutions?

All of our recent "Success Stories" program finalists were inspiring; they all achieved and overcame a great deal. However, Alex’s story really touched the team members in our company. Cancer affects so many, we were all so moved by what Alex achieved after her illness. Her story is the one that resonated the most with me this year.

Your top tips for setting fitness resolutions for the New Year – and sticking to them?

The main thing is to start, and to know that every week isn’t going to be perfect and that is OK. They best day to have started a fitness resolution was yesterday, the next best one is today.

What’s your personal fitness/health-related goal for 2019?

I am also looking to improve just like everyone else. My main goals are to increase my play span as I age and I do this by working out four mornings a week at one of our clubs. This allows me to complete or compete in various fitness activities that interest me throughout the year.


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