Health & Beauty

Girl Boss: Linda Trang Ly of Onyx Aesthetics Studio

March 6, 2019

In honour of International Women’s Day, March 8th, we’re chatting with some of our fave female business owners (and Blanche Macdonald grads) in Vancouver! Here, Linda Trang Ly of Onyx Aesthetics Studio tells us about herself, her success and her girl power! —Noa Nichol

girl boss

Hi Linda! Tell us a bit about yourself to start.

I started my journey in the beauty industry back in 2003 with Blanche Macdonald and their Make Artistry Diploma class and Nail Parlour Diploma. I’m always eager to learn the latest new innovation within this industry. Throughout my career, I’ve managed to learn and practice regularly Skin Therapy, all eyelash services and my most recent PMU (microblading, machine work, etc.). As a woman, I love getting my gel nails filled with some fun prints hand-painted on, my regular Yumi lash lift and, of course, my brows naturally filled in so it saves me time in the morning getting ready. I love learning, I love making art, I love organizing. I combined all of these loves and created a little studio called Onyx Aesthetics Studio. Onyx was established in November 2015 without a single client.

What inspired you to get into business and open Onyx?

Growing up, my parents owned businesses and worked together very well. I saw this growing up and knew that’s what I wanted one day: to be my own boss. Blanche Macdonald taught me the theory I needed when talking clients and the discipline to be able to provide exceptional services to clients.

What’s a day in the life like for you?

My days are definitely full and interesting. If time allows, I do a nine-kilometre run on the seawall whenever possible. You can find me working at Onyx regularly, whether it is providing services for clients, managing staff and making sure everyone is OK, training new staff members, ordering supplies, organizing and cleaning studio, watering the many plants we have in studio, phone/email meetings about new products and a lot of communication. Basically, whatever is thrown at me from the minute I wake up till the moment I fall asleep. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.

How does Onyx empower women?

Onyx is a place where women come for their beauty needs, but also take a break from their daily routines and relax, have a discussion about the latest trends or the best restaurant that just opened. We empower each other with communication, honesty, sharing. I believe that we receive what we put out into the world.

What are the current challenges for women in your industry? How do you overcome them?

Misconceptions of one another in the industry can be a challenge. This can be solved just by keeping a clear form of communication between each other as individuals and a team.

How do you create a supportive environment for yourself and your team?

I created Onyx by always keeping in mind that both staff and clients have to be comfortable and happy (physically and mentally). I talk to my team regularly because I am working with them almost every day. We get to know each other. We help each other when needed. We encourage each other. We give each other things that make each other smile.

Who has been your greatest influence/mentor in your life?

My greatest influence would probably be my parents. They came from Vietnam with nothing and worked hard all their life. They are my biggest supporters.

What are you most proud of doing/accomplishing?

I am most proud of being able to create my salon, Onyx and having the chance to express my ideas in many forms.


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