Lifestyle & Parenting

This Tordelli Recipe Will Leave You Stuffed

March 20, 2019

Forget Christmas: National Ravioli Day, March 20th, is truly our favourite day of the year! And, thanks to our Lagostina cookware, we’re celebrating in style with a scrumptious tordelli recipe!


Tordelli, a form of ravioli, is a delicious meat-filled pasta native to Tuscany. This dish is traditionally enjoyed during special occasions, and we couldn’t think of anything more special than National Ravioli Day!

Try the recipe below at home, using any of Lagostina’s perfect-for-pasta pots—the stuffed pasta and ragù combo is sure to become a household favourite! —Vita Daily

Tordelli Lucchesi

1 kg tordelli

500 g ground lean veal

2 medium carrots

1/2 onion

1 celery stick

2 bay leaves

2 cloves

2 small cans of peeled tomato or 600 ml tomato puree

1-1/2 glasses white table wine
Extra virgin olive oil

Salt, pepper

Chop the carrots, celery and onion into small pieces. Preparing the sauce: brown the carrots, celery and onion for 5 minutes in a large saucepan. Add the ground meat. Leave to cook for 15 minutes and add the white wine. When the wine has evaporated, season with salt and pepper. Add the cloves and bay leaves. Add the tomato puree when the sauce thickens. Adjust seasoning to taste. Leave to cook on low heat for at least two hours. If the sauce becomes too thick, add a little hot water from time to time and mix. Half an hour before the end of the cooking time, bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil. Add the tordellis when the water begins to boil. Drain al dente. Mix the sauce with the tordellis and sprinkle with grated parmesan. Enjoy!


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