Lifestyle & Parenting

Meal-Making Maven

April 19, 2019

With a smorgasbord of meal kits and meal-delivery services available, holistic nutritionist Erika Weissenborn noticed a void when it came to people looking to overhaul their diets with the guided help of a pro and launched Fresh In Your Fridge from the grand idea of: wouldn’t it be great if we all had a personal chef? We chatted with Erika about her thriving business (and found out what her top meal is!). —Noa Nichol


Hi Erika! Tell us a bit about yourself to start!

Hi! Thanks for having me. Well, I grew up on the Sunshine Coast of B.C., and have lived in Vancouver for the past 13 years. I love it here, and get to the mountains (with my doggie!) as often as I can. I went to school to be a nutritionist and had a goal of starting a nutrition practice where I taught people how to eat healthier. Fresh in your Fridge started sort of by accident, when I realized people needed help with their weekly meals, more than they did advice on what to eat.

In truth, there are tonnes of meal kits and meal-delivery services out there to choose from. What makes Fresh In Your Fridge unique/stand apart in such a crowded space?

Great question! We function quite differently, and have carved out a unique niche in the space. FIYF is an in-home cooking service, meaning we do all the cooking right in your kitchen. Our clients work with us because they want truly home cooked meals, or because they have a special diet or food sensitives, and other meal services aren’t able to cater to what they need. We personalize the service 100 per cent, so each dish is made exactly for our client’s needs.

Tell us (more) about the "nutritionist in your home" aspect of the service.

Some people find it a bit funny that we come into their home, other people love the idea. Overall, it’s something that adds such a personal element to the service, and allows us to craft exactly what you need, without the risk of any cross contamination, or loosing freshness in transportation. We also love that this brings all the positive aspects of home cooking back into our client’s lives, as typically so much of the food we eat is based on take out and convenience.


Who would benefit most from Fresh In Your Fridge? Also, what is the cost?

Anyone who is having a hard time finding a meal service that works for them—either because they had a special diet (FODMAPs, Keto, vegetarian, AIP, etc) or because they have food sensitivities or allergies. We can cater to any diet! Also, folks who are craving a personal element to the food they are eating, and like the idea of their meals being cooked at home, instead of delivered. Our prices range from $300 to $550 per week and include groceries, cooking and clean up.

What makes you happiest about being able to provide this service, and what do you see for Fresh In Your Fridge in the future?

I didn’t know this when I first started, but it’s been incredible to see how many people we’ve helped over the years. A healthy diet is really important, but it can be so challenging to fulfill when people’s lives are full or they are struggling with their health. We’ve been able to take huge stress and burden off of people’s shoulders, and that’s so cool to see. I also love the personal aspect of the business, and meeting all of our clients in their home. We work with some really inspiring people.

Personal question: your favourite meal available through Fresh In Your Fridge?

Well, that’s a tough one, because each one of our meals are personalized every week, so there aren’t any repeats. After looking through our weekly menus, a few of the favourites I’ve tried are: turkey Asian lettuce wraps with a red cabbage, green apple and carrot sesame slaw, and Thai Coconut Crusted Cod with Mango Curry and Coconut Rice. Yum!


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