Lifestyle & Parenting

Mom-fluencer Q&A: Aileen Lalor

May 3, 2019

This May, we’re honouring motherhood by chatting with some of our favourite mom bloggers, influencers and content creators about the highs, the lows and the many moments in-between. —Vita Daily

aileen lalor

Hi Aileen! Tell us a little bit about you and what do you do!

I’m a freelance writer, specializing in beauty, with a little bit of fashion and lifestyle thrown in. I’m also a mum of two girls, aged five and two.

How do you use your platform to impact other moms—and parents—who follow you?

Not really something I do consciously. I suppose if they ever look at my Instagram stories they’ll be comforted by the fact that five-and-a-half years in, I’m clearly still making it up as I go along.

What’s your personal style/beauty mantra?

Buy little, but buy better, and don’t save things for best—use the posh shower gel, wear the beautiful lipstick and carry the expensive bag every day.

What would the Mother’s Day of your fantasies be? And what, in reality, does Mother’s Day usually look like at your house?

Sleeping in till 9 a.m., a quiet swim by myself, a picnic with the family in Stanley Park, a trip to the Aquarium and pizza and champagne with my husband once the kids are in bed. Usually not much difference between fantasy and reality, except no lie-in, and more tantrums. And the swim probably won’t happen. The picnic will likely be a Ziplock full of fishy crackers guzzled in the car as we circle the park in search of a parking spot. Oh, and the champagne will be gin.

Did motherhood come easy to you, or were there challenges (if so, any in particular you’d like to share)?

No, I found the loss of spontaneity, independence and alone time very difficult. Also, I’m quite disciplined and proactive, and found it challenging that with parenthood, you have to be reactive instead—you can’t just change nine diapers first thing in the morning and tick that of your to-do list! Over time, I’ve learned to be more relaxed, mostly.

The best thing?

Watching my children becoming themselves.

Follow Aileen on Instagram and find her work in various Canadian and international magazines, including VITA.


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