Lifestyle & Parenting

Relaxation on the Go

July 19, 2019

Kater, Vancouver’s first ride-hailing app, has a new summer initiative we can 100 per cent get behind: Kater Spa.


Two exclusive Kater Spa cars have been released in the city to help Vancouverites relax. Sit back in comfort and unwind with personally controlled massage chairs, a refreshing mist, mood music and cool tone lighting—the only thing missing from this ride is the cucumber mask!

Curious about Kater? We recently gave this made-in-B.C. technology a try. It’s a hybrid approach that takes the best of the current transportation system in Vancouver and traditional ride-hailing to create a here-and-now solution that works for Vancouverites (and visitors) in the current regulatory system. Just get the app, tap a button and get a ride within minutes. You also don’t have to worry about a driver refusing to pick you up with Kater, which sadly has been an issue.

The spa cars will only be here for a limited time, and come at no additional charge (beyond regular Kater fees). Now that’s what we call ride-hailing relief! —Vita Daily


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