Lifestyle & Parenting

Pairing Wine With Self-Love

August 15, 2019

Sustainability in wine plays a huge role in offering up a tasty product that is clean, thoughtful, and eco-conscious. There are so many myths and questions around what it means to be sustainable, and how these decisions affect the wine, the health of our bodies and the world around us.

wine love

Next week, August 21st and 22nd, 2019, Holistic Heels and A P É R O mode will host two two-hour seminars at Vancouver’s Werklab Inc., showcasing three exceptional B.C. wineries—Bella Wines, Lock + Worth and Le Vieux Pin—who all practice sustainability in a myriad of different ways. Monica Elena of HH brings expertise in holistic nutrition and mindful living while sommelier Maude Renaud-Brisson will be discussing the wines while fielding questions about the myths and stigmas surrounding wine.

Don’t miss out! Snacks included, and if you have not been the gorgeous work-share space that is WerkLab in East Van, now is your chance to get in the doors. —Laura Starr


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